Ultrasonic Viscometer with Integrated Depth Measurement

来源 :2015两岸超声技术与医学研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chichizhang
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Background,Motivation and Objective Miniaturized liquid sensors are essential devices in online process or condition monitoring.In the cases of viscosity and density sensing,microacoustic sensors such as quartz crystal resonators or SAW devices have proved useful.The high frequency of operation limits these devices to measurement of thin liquid layers,owing to the low shear viscous depth and smaller bulk absorption depth.These parameters are often not comparable to the macroscopic parameters probed by conventional viscometers operating at 1-100 Hz in liquid.Miniaturized cantilever-based devices offer an alternative,but precise immersion depth control limits the measurement accuracy.For handheld portable viscosity measurements,such as those for biomedical sample testing,one needs to be able to measure the viscosity without the need for measuring the depth of insertion of an ultrasonic actuator.Here we present a viscometer that can measure the viscosity while keeping track of the depth of insertion.
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