Nifedipine reduces iron accumulation and dopamine neuron degeneration in the iron-overloaded substan

来源 :中国神经科学学会第九届全国学术会议暨第五届会员代表大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangwang1986
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  Objective To investigate whether nifedipine, a blocker of L-type calcium channels can prevent iron accumulation and dopamine neuron degeneration in the substantia nigra (SN) of acute and chronic iron-overloaded rats.Methods The changes of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene expression in the substantia nigra (SN) were detected by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), the TH-positive neurons were tested by TH immunohistochemistry, the dopamine content was measured by liquid chromatography-electrochemical detection and the iron contents of SN were determined by iron concentration assay.Results Compared with the control group, the expressions of TH mRNA decreased, and the iron contents increased in the acute iron-overloaded SN of rats.Cotreatment with nifedipine may partly restore these changes.While in the chronic iron-overloaded rats, the dopamine content in the striatum decreased after iron dextran treatment, which could be restored by nifedipine.Iron dextran overload increased iron content in the SN and reduced the number of TH-positive neurons.Treatment with nifedipine prevented the increased iron content and restored the numbers of TH-positive neurons to control values.Conclusion Nifedipine may inhibit iron-overload induced dopamine neuron damage in the iron-overloaded rats by suppressing iron toxicity.
小时候,奶奶在冬天就熬白菜根、香菜根、姜片的水,说是解表发汗通便。我一到冬天就喝几天,预防感冒。  慢慢地,这水里的内容丰富起来,除白萝卜(或水萝卜)根和白菜根外,还加了香菜根、葱根以及姜片少许,还有冰糖,再加一点梨或苹果就更好了……我还起了一个好听顺口的名字“四根汤”。  这汤可是喝了好多年,虽然味道不大美,但是连小朋友都能接受,因为我告诉孩子:“喝了这碗汤,上下通气不生病;喝了这碗汤,不用医生
  The midline is a key choice point for axon pathfinding.In binocular vertebrates (e.g., mouse and human), retinal axons diverge at the ventral diencephalon m