The Influence of Carbachol to Myocardium in Patients with Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction Induced by

来源 :第八届北京五洲国际心血管病会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beckham11
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  Objective To explore protection of carbachol to myocardium in patients with intestinal barrier dysfunction induced by emergency trauma.Methods Seventy patients after trauma with a definite diagnosis of MODS in ICU were included, which were randomly divided into the carbachol treatment group (n=37) and mosapride citrate treatment group(n=33).DAO activity, expressions of CD11b and CD18 on PMN in peripheral blood and LVEF were detected on the 1 st and 7th day, as well as the peak contents of CK-MB.Clinical effects were observed.Results Compared to the mosapridc citrate treatment group, patients in the carbachol treatment group showed a significant improvement in intestinal pneumatosis and hydrops (P<0.05), together with a higher response rate on the 7th day.As well as a significant decline in the activity of DAO, the expressions ofCD1 1b and CD18 on PMN (P < 0.05).These were lower than mosapride citrate treatment group on the 7th day, and LVEF was higher than that group.The peak contents of CK-MB was lower than that of mosapride citrate treatment group.Conclusion o the patients of intestinal barrier dysfunction induced by emergency trauma, by lessening the ischemic/reperfusion injury, inhibiting the production of inflammatory cytokines in vivo, and promoting peristalsis of intestinal tract, carbachol could loosen the myocardium injury and protect remote organ-heart function.
  Objective The objective of our study is to investigate the impact of nutritional risk of hospitalized cardiac operation patients on admission on the clinica
【摘要】爱是教育的基础,爱是教育的源泉。本文阐述了怎样把爱的教育贯穿在学生管理工作过程中,以提高学生管理质量,提升学生管理队伍的素质,在实践爱的教育中发挥应有的作用,提高大学生管理的整体水平。  【关键词】爱的教育;内涵;质量;队伍;示范  【中图分类号】G647【文献标识码】 A【文章编号】1671-1270(2010)05-0030-02    “爱”是人类社会中最伟大、最神圣、最崇高、最感人
我今年68岁,身体堪称健康。因为我一向从事文字工作,缺乏体力劳动锻炼,所以身体较弱。自从学做家务,参加了劳动锻炼,身体就大不同了,这里,介绍我的家务健身操六法: 一、早晨
一日的紧张脑力劳动或碰到不如意的事情之后,人总感到十分劳累。在你无法从这里解脱的时候,不妨试试如下一些做法。这些做法被证明是行之有效的。 After a day of intense
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