Effects of Different Sources of Dietary Chromium on Meat Quality and Amino Acid Content of Broilers

来源 :中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会第十一次全国动物营养学术研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:catmaster
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  Chromium as a beneficial element occasionally was indicated by more and more investigations reported.Trivalent chromium (Cr Ⅲ) has been accepted as an essential element for 30 years which can affect on the growth performance, carcass characteristics, pork quality, reproduction and tissue deposition of domestic animals when fed with Cr (Ⅲ) supplementation in diet through changes protein, nucleic acid and lipid metabolism.Chromium is found in GTF-like forms in the livers of mammals given inorganic chromium, but this could reflect the manifold effects of insulin rather than further biochemical roles for chromium.Moreover some by contraries reported Cr (Ⅲ) appeared not to be an essential element, and its potential effects on domestic animals might be considered pharmacological.Limited research is available addressing the effect of Cr on meat quality of broiler elucidated by determining of the fiber muscle density, total antioxidant capacity and amino acid content.Thus,the purpose of present experiment was to evaluate the effects of three different sources of chromium (Yeast chromium, Chromium picolinate and Methionine chromium) on meat quality and amino acid content of Arbor Acres (AA) broilers.Seven hundred and ninety-two one-day-old Arbor Acres broilers were randomly allocated to six dietary treatments.Each treatment had four replicates (cages) with thirty three broilers per cage, respectively.The dietary treatments were: (1) corn-soybean meal basal (B; according to NRC, 1994), (2) B + 0.2mg/kg of Cr (as Yeast chromium), (3) B + 0.2mg/kg of Cr (as Chromium picolinate), (4) B + 0.1 mg/kg (as Methionine chromium ; Ⅰ), (5) B + 0.2mg/kg (as Methionine chromium ; Ⅱ), (6) B + 0.6mg/kg of Cr (as Methionine chromium ; Ⅲ).The fiber density, fiber areas and its and antioxidant index of leg muscle, as well as amino acids content of muscle were determined.The results suggested that dietary supplementation of Yeast chromium or Methionine chromium in broilers had a significant effect on muscular tissue structure and oxidation resistance of muscle; however, the main amino acids of muscle were not affected by treatments.
【摘要】语言学习是复杂的认知活动,记忆是非常重要的认知因素。简单的机械记忆效果不盡人意,而经过工作记忆深度加工,与其他知识发生联系的学习活动效果更佳显著。法语中双宾语人称代词的位置是法语学习者的一个难点,学生很快记住但很快记忆就变得模糊。而通过将双宾语人称代词的位置顺序与数学中的交集概念发生联系,学习效果大大提升。  【关键词】双宾语人称代词的位置 交集  【中图分类号】H32【文献标识码】A 【