The ERCC (Excision Repair Cross-complementation):Could it Be a Novel Diagnostic/Therapeutic Predicto

来源 :BIT‘s2nd Annual World Cancer Congess-2009 (2009第二届癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yst598
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  Platinum based cytostatics have been used in many solid tumors including lung and ovary over thirty years.They interact with DNA and form interchain crosslinks which starts a process that eventually leads to cell death.The usual repair mechanism for this crosslink is via nucleotide excision repair pathway.Many pathways have been identified with in vitro cancer cell line studies to use them as a chemosensitivity biomarker.Excision repair cross complementationl is a marker for DNA repair.Several years ago presenee of this biomarker has been identified as predictor of platinum resistance in non-small cell lung cancer.This finding has paved way for using modalities other than platinum compounds in this subset of patients.
人们选择健身的目的之一就是为了缓解压力,然而,据美国媒体的最新报道,现代人生活节奏加快,职业压力剧增,由于赶时间、带着工作压力锻炼以及锻炼太急于求成等种种因素,有时锻炼不仅起不到减压的作用,反而适得其反,导致健身前或健身过程中精神紧张,让人压力更大了。    疲于奔命去运动    想想这个场景吧:在办公室紧张地工作了一天,下班后你飞速驱车赶往体育馆,恰逢交通高峰期,一路上停停走走,到了体育馆还得忙
  Although cancer has historically been considered an individual disease, there is increasing awareness that the family is fundamentally impacted by the illne
  Background and aims: Recent findings suggest that growth factor receptor-mediated motility is one of the most common aberrations of tumour cells that render
本文讨论了多站微波成象系统的分辨力、聚焦性质以及除去由阵列稀疏而产生的图象模糊的方法。 This article discusses the resolution of multi-station microwave imaging