The Impact of Cancer on Family Relationships amongst Chinese Patients:Findings of an Ethnographic St

来源 :BIT‘s2nd Annual World Cancer Congess-2009 (2009第二届癌症大会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chichuren
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  Although cancer has historically been considered an individual disease, there is increasing awareness that the family is fundamentally impacted by the illness.However, to date, few studies have explored the impact of cancer on family relationships amongst migrants from communities with culturally distinctive views of family roles and relationships.This presentation outlines the impact of cancer on family relationships amongst members of a Chinese cancer support group.It is based on findings of an ethnographic study that included an eight-month period of participant observation at the support group and key informant interviews with seven group members.Findings indicated that family members were integral to the Chinese cancer support group, constituting almost 40% of the participants.Patients in the group expressed concerns about family, while family members also expressed their sense of helplessness in caring for the patients.Most notably, amongst both patients and family members there was astrong emphasis on the need to coneeal emotion, coupled with a focus on instrumental support in care giving.Furthermore, patients anxiety about "burdening" their family appeared to inflate their own experience of distress, as patients and their family carers both sought to maintain a positive front.Overall, research findings concur with past studies that cancer impacts the family as much as the patient; however, patients" and family members" distress is also significantly influenced by culturally distinctive views of family roles and relationships.This highlights the need for culturally sensitive support services for patients and family members in coping with cancer.
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