Intriguing effects of methoxy substitution on the photophysical properties of dinuclear copper(Ⅰ)com

来源 :中国化学会第十届全国无机化学学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjt197703
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  Luminescent Cu(Ⅰ) complexes have witnessed impressive developments due to their interesting photo-physical properties including room temperature phosphorescence(RTP) and thermally activated delayed fluorescence(TADF).[1,2] This case study on dinuclear copper(Ⅰ) complexes with N^P ligand(diphenylphosphine-substituted phenylbenzimidazole derivatives)provides a deeper insight into the effect of substitution on luminescence mechanisms and a reference for designing efficient Cu(Ⅰ) iodide emitters.
二氧化钛(TiO2)是重要的半导体材料之一,自1972 年,Fujishima A 和Honda K 发现在其表面可以进行光解水产氢实验[1],其优异的性质如无毒、稳定、催化效果好等而被科学家们广泛研究。
3d-4f 金属簇合物由于其迷人的结构、有趣的性质和潜在的应用价值,一直以来受到广大研究者的关注[1-3]。同时具有较高的亲核性和良好的热稳定性,缺位多酸可以作为多齿无机配体与金属离子组装形成多酸保护的3d-4f 簇合物[4,5]。
近年来,尽管在炔基保护的金纳米团簇(Au NCs)分子的精准制备方面取得了不少进展(如:Na[Au25(C≡CPh)18]、Au36(C≡CPh)24、Au44(C≡CPh)28 和Au144(C≡CAr)60),但对炔基团簇的形成机理尚不清楚。
Chiral metal nanoclusters(NCs)with unique luminescent properties are supposed to be an ideal assembly building blocks for CPL research based on supramolecular assembly; however,related research is lim
A novel heterobimetallic 2-dimensional layer complex,[FeⅢ(bpy)(CN)4]2MnⅡ2·2H2O [bpy=2,2-bipyridine](1)has been prepared by diffusing and its structure determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction.Th