
来源 :上海师范大学心理研究所 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZNZXCTH
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  同侪压力(peer pressure)为来自同侪要求要表现特定行为或态度之群体影响力;反社会同侪压力即指同侪所鼓励或要求的行为不符合社会规范甚至违反法令。国外相关研究发现,反社会同侪压力与青少年之抽烟、喝酒、吸毒或非法行为有极大关联,因而是学生家长与师长颇为担心的同侪影响。在台湾,以群体影响力观点探讨青少年同侪压力的研究并不多见,反倒在学生之学校压力或生活压力的研究中,可见「同侪压力」之探讨且视其为学校或生活压力的一个面向;惟其内涵实为压力感(stress),系个体无法有效应付压力源(stressor)所产生之负向情绪感受,在概念上与群体影响力之同侪压力是不同的,不可混为一谈。
The Mantel-Haenszel(MH) procedure is a widely used nonparametric statistical method to measure the amount of DIF present in an item.For operational programs at ETS,at least 200 members are required fo
Differential Item Functioning(DIF) occurs when items behave differently for examinees at the same ability level that are in different groups.Choosing a proper group of invariant items as anchors is an
The purpose of this study is to examine the testlet effect on IRT-based DIF methods,since these traditional methods do not take Local Item Dependence(LID) caused by testlets into account.
Two different approaches from the early 1900s to the computational task of multiple regression are attributed to a psychometrician,Truman Lee Kelley,and a major political figure,Henry A.Wallace.
Measurement invariance is an important condition for a measure or scale to be meaningfully compared,specifically on the corresponding latent factor mean or the mean of the corresponding observed compo
This study focuses on investigating native language and school clustering effects on English language learners English proficiency using a multilevel cross-classified Item Response Theory(IRT) model.
Self-control refers to the capacity of altering ones own responses and it depends on a limited resource that can be depleted temporarily.Working memory capacity(WMC) refers to the individual differenc
儿童的社会退缩行为是近年来社会性发展领域的热点之一。社会退缩并非统一的概念,从社交动机的角度可以将其分为害羞退缩、社交淡漠和社交回避三种亚类型。需注意的是,过去二十年的研究都集中于害羞退缩的适应功能,而对社交淡漠、尤其是社交回避缺乏相应的考量。本研究通过同伴提名、自我报告和教师评定对663 名4-7 年级儿童进行了数据收集,考察了三种社会退缩亚类型、情绪调节能力以及多种适应困难之间的关系。
由于前期大规模调研发现情绪问题是上海中学生心理健康面临的最大挑战之一,2014年上海学生心理健康教育发展中心在黄浦、杨浦、浦东、闸北四个区抽取12 所初中和12所高中进行中学生情绪问题早期筛查与预防项目。该项目首先对 4164 名初中生(6-8 年级)和3814 名高中生(高一、高二),使用《长处与困难(SDQ)问卷》、《儿童焦虑性情绪障碍筛查表(SCARED)》、《青少年抑郁自评量表(KADS-