Chemistry of decomposing mulching materials and the effect on soil carbon dynamics under a Phyllosta

来源 :第十届中国竹业学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingwuse
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  Purpose Heavy winter mulch treatments are commonly practiced in Phyllostachys praecox bamboo forests to increase bamboo shoot production in early spring in subtropical China.The aim of this study was to quantify the chemical behaviour of the mulching materials and the immediate response of soil carbon (C) to the heavy winter mulch treatments.Material and methods In the field study,in situ decomposition rates of the mulching materials,including bamboo leaves and rice straw,and soil respiration rates were determined.The chemical behaviour of the mulching materials and the impacts of the mulches on soil C dynamics were evaluated using solid state 13C NMR spectroscopy.Results and discussion During the 12-month experimental period,bamboo leaves (C/N ratio,20) lost 79 % of their mass,whereas rice straw (C/N,49) lost 67 %.Mulch treatment enhanced soil respiration rate.The residual materials had a significantly higher alkyl C to O-alkyl C ratio,but lower aromaticity than those in the original materials.The soil beneath the mulches rapidly built up organic C,which was dominated by O-alkyl C with reduced aromaticity.Conclusions Application of heavy mulch in a Phyllostachys praecox bamboo plantation can enhance sequestration of soil C;however,the relatively low aromatic C character would indicate that it is likely to be labile.
随着食用菌的发展,棉子壳原料供不应求,价格上涨。为降低生产成本,笔者进行了玉米秆栽培木耳实验,现将栽培技术简介如下: (一)备料装袋 取无霉变的玉米秆截成3~4cm长,用清水
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