Taxonomy and DNA barcode study on Pythium species in China

来源 :Asian Mycological Congress 2013 and The 13th International M | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:china_jjf_wolf
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  The genus Pythium Pringsheim, belongs to Pythiaceae, Peronosporales, Oomycetes, Oomycota and Straminipila.Pythium species are widely distributed throughout the world, many of which are plant pathogens causing enormous damage to a wide range of plant species.The taxonomy of Pythium is mainly based on the morphological characteristics.Molecular techniques have been employed in species identification and systematics of Pythium in recent decade.The purposes of present research are: 1) to study the taxonomy and phylogeny of Pythium species from China in a molecular view; and 2) screen for the optional DNA barcode for the genus.In total 506 strains have been recovered from the 195 rhizosphere soil samples collected from different plants throughout China.
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摘要:速写是高等院校艺术专业基础训练的重要科目,本文就高校学生的认知水平和专业能力,结合速写课堂的教学体会,来探讨速写在设计专业教学中的重要性及作用,以及如何引导学生掌握正确的学习方法。  关键词:速写;造型能力;重要性  速写,顾名思义是一种快速的写生方法,以简单、快速、准确的手法对物象进行描述,进而对其形态结构及主要动态生长特征进行的记录。速写是高等院校环艺、园林园艺、城规、建筑等专业的基础必
  The powdery mildews are a fungal group causing "powdery mildew" diseases on ca.10,000 species of angiosperm plants and encompass ca.900 species covering one
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  There are three major changes taking place in the knowledge of the fungi and this has important implications to researchers of all disciplines as well as pl
潘汶汛,2004年研究生毕业并留校2010年获中国美院国画系博士学位,现任教于中国美术学院国画系,在杭州画画,在北京做展。《颂雅风艺术月刊》对潘汶汛的采访在虚拟的信纸上展开,艺术家的回复清秀如她的画作,对之似乎感受到来自杭州西湖畔含着氤氲水气的微风,为北京清冷的深冬带来一丝春天的气息。  潘汶汛家住西湖边,毕业于中国美术学院国画系的她觉得“绘画是命,也是宿命”。虽然在她看来,西湖边是滋养水墨诗意画