The acquisition of relative clauses: movement or no movement

来源 :第五届形式语言学国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lz1111111
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@@ As for the first language acquisition of the head-initial relative clauses, it is generally held that 1) children acquire relative clause quite late: most of the relative clauses produced by Children of less than 6 (maybe even 8) years old are different from those produced by adults and therefore ungrammatical (for example, children often use resumtpive pronouns or nouns in the places where they are forbidden in the adultsˇ grammar), and Children of less than 6 (maybe even 8) years old cannot understand such relative clauses as object relative clauses (Ors for short)2both production and comprehension of Ors are harder/later than that of subject relative clauses (Srs for short), for example, Contemori & Garraffa (2010) hold that only 50% (chance level) children of 3冾5 years old can understand Orsbut in their elicitation experiment 79% 3-year-old children can produce and understand Srs; 3) in production, there appears to be a tendency for children of five years old to avoid Ors altogether, in favor of the production of an privileged alternative structure, that is, Passive Object Relatives, and this transformation increases with age until it happens in almost 90% of the cases (Labelle 1996; Arosio, Adani 2008; Belletti & Contemori 2010; ; Belletti 2010, Costa, Lobo & Silva 2011, etc.).
陈小凤是一个美丽的女人,一袭优雅得体的套裙,一头乌黑飘逸的长发,一双明亮的凤眼,完美精致的妆容,温柔纯净的声音,高贵温婉的气质,佩戴着整套唯美别致、光芒四射的钻饰,无不透着一股浓浓的女人味。只是从那双明亮的凤眼里不时透露出的坚定眼神,才会让你想到这是一个内心异常坚强的女子,敢想敢做,坚持不懈,永不言败。    看待成功:我觉得自己很幸运    许多企业家都会把企业的成功归功于自己,当然创业过程中独
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