Analysis and Upgrade Strategy of Wind Environment of Qingniwa Pedestrian Space in Dalian Based on CF

来源 :11th International Symposium on Environment‐Behavior Researc | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuahhnet
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  Walking street,as a form of modern urban commercial agglomeration,is an important means to show citys image and to enhance the vitality.Qingniwa commercial pedestrian street,as a commercial center of Dalian,its pedestrian environment directly affects the quality of peoples activity patterns and psychological feelings.Because Dalian is the typical city of four seasons in the northern coastal,its wet and cold in winters,prevailing northwest winds.While Qingniwa commercial pedestrian street was the spatial layout of the north-south,not only due to the seasonal impact on the streetscape,but also lead to the formation of undesirable micro-climate,especially strong winds are formed in the pedestrian street in winter,so that peoples outdoor activities are limited,and formed a negative psychological feelings.In this article,wind is the main micro-climatic factor in the commercial pedestrian street,the use of influence within the PHOENICS software testing different seasons wind speed and direction on the pedestrian street microenvironment,to simulate the flow characteristics within walking street air,and as a basis proposed Qingniwa business space environment pedestrian street improvements.PHOENICS software is used to test the wind speed and direction in different seasons which have influence on the commercial pedestrian street microenvironment,simulate the characteristics of the air flowing in the commercial pedestrian street,and propose improvement measures of the environment in Qingniwa commercial pedestrian street as a basis.Through the rational arrangement of space landscape,it forms an effective shield against the wind,and also use technical means to recycle airflow,to achieve eco-friendly benefits,more importantly,to increase human activitiescomfort and fluency.
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