Different Places but Similar Outcomes:the Achievements of Clinical Legal Education in China and Thai

来源 :2012亚太诊所法律教育论坛暨中国诊所法律教育年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litianjin
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  In 2009,an in-depth interview research was conducted at 3 leading law schools in ChinaPeking,Tsinghua,and Renmin-to find out about the achievements of clinical legal education (CLE) in a civil law country.This research found that CLE in China has been achieved in enhancing students lawyering skills,knowledge of legal provisions and theories,awareness of legal effect on real people and of the potential and limitation of legal system in real world.The utmost finding of this research is that CLE in China has been accomplished in instilling lawyer values and ethics into their students.Many of student interviewees demonstrated their social responsibility and their responsibility towards clients.Their answers indicated that CLE generates motivation to work for the vulnerable disadvantaged people.In addition,CLE assists students to comprehend the conditions of legal profession and creates students good attitude towards legal education and the profession.In 2011,another in-depth interview research was conducted at Chiang Mai University (CMU),Thailand,to find out if a CLE pilot project at CMU share any similar achievement.The same set of questions were asked 12 CMU law school alumni who graduated betweenl-3 years ago.Although these graduates did not enrolled in the CMU CLE course and worked for the CMU law clinic as volunteers,they performed community teaching and legal counseling plentifully.Most of them had 2-3 year clinic experience before they graduated.These alumni had different purposes and motivation to take part in the clinic,however,all of them demonstrated their positive attitude toward their clinic experiences.Most of them stated that the experiences surpassed their expectation.They affirmed that not only their practical skills and knowledge of legal provisions and theories were enhanced,but also their understanding on how the law affects peoples lives in the real world.The utmost finding of this research,similar to the former one conducted in China,is that CLE has been accomplished in instilling social justice and human rights values into these alumni.The values and ethics of the legal profession;e.g.,principles of being competent,loyalty to the client,confidentiality,and pro bono are also sustained in their mind.The answers of these alumni also indicated that they gained ethical and moral development,cognitive skills in problem solving and critical thinking,interpersonal skills,and communication skills which is in accordance with the higher education standard of the country.