Driver Assistance Systems in the Change of Innovative Lighting Technologies

来源 :The 2nd International Forum on Automotive Lighting,2nd IFAL( | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsdx2009
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  In the last years three independent changes in automotive fighting can be noticed.The conventional fight sources Halogen and Xenon bulb are more and more substituted by LEDs.Furthermore the importance of the styling of headlamps increases to get an individual appearance for each product.At the same time the extension of the legal requirements enables the introduction of a large number of new functionalities.The light shifts from a passive illumination to the range of a complex driver assistance systems.To get excellent systems different aspects from several fields has to be considered.In this paper it is shown how aspects of fighting technology, fighting electronic, driver acceptance and marketing influence the development direction of driver assistance systems.In future headlamps these directions of development has to be brought together.At first the development of the hitherto existing headlamps is shown.Then the challenges for the next generations of headlamps will be presented.Finally we discuss whether there are natural limiations in the future development.
  目的 调查小学阶段儿童的睡眠状况.方法 调查采用整群随机抽样的方法,抽取广州市5所小学的一至六年级学龄期儿童.调查了研究对象的基本信息、睡眠模式和睡眠疾病相关症状
【摘 要】目前高职院校许多专业在人才培养目标上对专业能力要求和構成含糊不清,导致专业课程体系结构也是杂乱无章。本文以高职信息安全专业为例,通过多年的探索与实践,对高职专业能力提出了“塔式”结构的构建方法,以期能对高职的专业建设起到一个启示和参考的作用。  【关键词】构建;高职院校;专业能力结构;“塔式”结构;课程体系
  The hereditability of human sleep apnea is on the order of 35-40%, so that it is likely that there are genetic factors that underlie the development of adul
  目的 探讨学龄期儿童癫痫患者痫样放电对睡眠结构的影响,分析睡眠时相和睡眠结构的改变.方法 对48例学龄期儿童癫痫患者的24小时动态脑电图进行清醒和夜间睡眠脑电图分析
  目的 以往研究证实周期性肢动症(periodic limb movements in sleep,PLMS)患者中,伴随周期性肢体运动(PLM)的发生平均心率以固定的"心动过速-过缓"的模式发生变化,表现为