The SLI-criterion-referenced Diagnostic Test of Language Deficiency in Preschool Mandarin-speaking

来源 :第五届形式语言学国际研讨会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:augustS
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@@ The SLI (specific language impairment)-criterion-referenced diagnostic test of language deficiency in preschool Mandarin-speaking children is designed to screen whether preschool Mandarin-speaking children at the age of 3 to 6 are suffering from SLI. The evidence on symptoms of SLI children is considerable. First, SLI children have difficulty in morphosyntax. Leonard (2000) divided the discussion of the data on morphosyntax into syntactic structure and grammatical morphology. As for syntactic structure, SLI children have problems with propositions (Johnston & Kamhi 1984), auxiliaries in interrogative sentences (Leonard 1995), wh-questions containing embedded clauses (Smith 1992), and passive sentences (van der Lely & Harris 1990).
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@@ The Mandarin BA construction, (1) and (2), is reanalyzed in this paper within the framework of Distributed Morphology (Halle and Marantz 1993, 1994; Marantz
@@ As for the first language acquisition of the head-initial relative clauses, it is generally held that 1) children acquire relative clause quite late: most of
@@ Collins (2005) proposes a smuggling approach to the English passive under which the external argument is merged in Spec, v in the same way as in the active a
@@ The trigger of focus intervention effects remains controversial in the Chinese literature: while Soh (2005) shows that focus intervention effects are induced