The Effective Use of Tablet Apps to Facilitate the Learning and Teaching of Reading,Text Grammar and

来源 :第22届全球华人计算机教育应用大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:echo_seaman
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  Students' literacy skills can be developed in the learning and teaching of reading,text grammar and writing with the help of Information Technology.Students first notice,explore and understand the grammar rules in the reading texts in a tablet app,Nearpod,using an inductive approach.After the students find the grammar structure and connection across the paragraphs,students are asked to apply the grammar structure in a new context,which is their own pieces of writing.After several rounds of process writing,students are able to use the appropriate tone and apply the target grammar structures.For the final step,students are asked to create their own e-book by using a tablet app,Book Creator,where their own piece of writing,their own recording and images are included in their e-books.With the help of Information Technology,students have more opportunities to explore the language,have ownership towards their work and have the chances to unleash their learning potentials.
  本研究依托初中学科平台项目探讨基于SEP 在翻转课堂教学中的应用,案例选自一节初二数学课。借助基于信息技术的互动分析编码系统(ITIAS)来分析,将得到的量化数据进行定量
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