The Development of Beijing Sanbo Brain Hospital in China

来源 :2013百奥泰波兰重大疾病临床峰会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lionados
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  Beijing Sanbo Brain Hospital (BSBH) is an upper first-class private neurosurgical and neurological hospital with total investment of 140 Millions.The hospital with 256 inpatient beds is focus to treat intracranial tumor, cerebrovascular diseases, functional neurosurgical diseases, epilepsy, spinal cord disease, childrens cerebral diseases, and pain syndrome, etc.About 2600 neurosurgical operations are performed each year.Fifty percent of those operations are refractory and complex craniotomy.The perioperative mortality rate is 0.5% BSBH is Eleventh Clinical School affiliated to the Capital Medical University, the National Clinical Key Specialty Construction Project, National Neurosurgeon Training Base, and the Clinical Practice and Training Base for China Association Against Epilepsy.
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