Distributive Behaviours of the Seawater Chemical Resources in the Gulf of Thailand Using Isothermal

来源 :中国化学会第十六届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:thomas012
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  In order to economically exploit seawater chemical resources,it is essential to adequately adopt the local natural resources such as the energy of the wind and sun,i.e.,solar pond techniques.The simulating isothermal evaporation experiment as similar as the climate conditions in the Gulf of Thailand was designed to demonstrate the enrichment behaviours of sodium,potassium,magnesium,calcium and the rare elements including lithium,bromine,rubidium,and caesium in seawater in the Gulf of Thailand.Through this experimental study,a series of liquid- and solid phase samples through evaporating after filtrating were obtained and analyzed to reveal the enriched behaviours of sodium,potassium,magnesium,calcium.The experiment results showed that potassium ion was gradually enriched in the liquid phase in the first stage,and then it was crystallized out in the forms of carnallite and only a few of potassium chloride formed at the late evaporating stage.Meanwhile,the concentrations of lithium ion and bromine ion are measured corresponding to flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer and spectrophotometer to reveal the enrichment behaviors of lithium and bromine in brine during isothermal evaporating process.The results of experiment showed that lithium was enriched constantly at the first stage of evaporating,and then significantly up to 18.85 mg/L of lithium in solution; bromine in the liquid phase was enriched as similar as lithium with the highest concentration up to 6.0g/L in the mother liquor.The thesis provides an important reference for the development process of bromine and lithium extraction from the seawater in the Gulf of Thailand.Those results provided a valuable reference for the comprehensive utilization of seawater in the Gulf of Thailand.
英国物理学家、数学家牛顿享年85岁; 美国物理学家富兰克林享年84岁; 德国数学家、物理学家高斯享年78岁; 英籍德国女天文学家威廉·赫耳享年98岁; 中国气象学家、地理学家
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【摘 要】文章从高等学校和高校青年教师两个方面,对目前我国高校大学物理教学工作所面临的困难进行了阐述,并进行了简单对策分析。提出了学校在政策导向和激励机制、职业培训和教学实践等方面的建议;青年教师在主观求上进、提高道德修养等方面的倡导。  【关键词】大学物理教学;政策导向和激励;高校青年教师;职业培训与教学实践  高等学校担负着为国家培养高端人才的重要任务,是我国社会主义经济建设和中华民族伟大复兴