Truck Trip Assignment to Utah's Truck Routes Using Geographic Information System and Genetic Al

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  A truck trip assignment model for planning purposes was developed using a commodity-based model and a variant of the four-step model.The model uses a geographic information system (GIS) and a genetic algorithm (GA) to assign truck trips to truck routes.Truck trip production and attraction were estimated prior to the assignment step,using the results of a commodity-flow based trip distribution method.GA was used to find the optimal assignment of truck trips to Utahs truck routes by comparing RMSE of the truck counts from ATR stations with the truck trips assigned by a GIS software program.After running 81 generations consisting of 1,000 chromosomes through the GA,it was apparent that truck trips were more realistically assigned to the states truck routes than by the initial shortest path assignment.However,the differences between individual daily truck traffic as reported by ATR and the truck traffic estimated by the assignment model using GA were significantly larger than expected at some locations and further research is recommended.
把传统旅馆业与现代网络相结合,让都市人感受原始生活的野趣及人与大自然的天然亲情,迎合白领们的另类需求,这是艾玲成功的关键。她的经历告诉我们,只要能在寻常中走出不寻常之路,也许下一个成功的,就会是你。  今年29岁的艾玲,出生在郑州市一个工人家庭。2002年从美国旧金山大学毕业后,她来到深圳一家广告公司做设计。工作压力太大,艾玲想休假,老板却不准假。想辞职,却遭到男友的强烈反对。  2004年3月,
【人物档案·汪海】  1941年10月出生于山东省济宁市微山县,1959年进入青岛橡胶六厂工作。1961年参军,1971年转业。1974年,任青岛橡胶九厂(双星集团前身)政治部主任。1983年,任橡胶九厂党委书记兼厂长。1992年,任双星集团党委书记、总裁至今。    回首改革开放30年中国的企业发展史,有一个人物是怎么都回避不了的,那就是汪海,第一代企业家中硕果仅存的国企掌门人,一个堪称“孤本”
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