Discrimination of Maturity and Storage Life for Mopan Persimmon by Electronic Nose Technique

来源 :The Fifth International Symposium on Persimmon (第五届国际柿学术研讨会) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuandhll
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  Over the few past years, electronic nose (E-nose) technology has enhanced the possibility of exploiting information on aroma to assess fruit ripening stage and storage life.The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of E-nose for monitoring the changes in volatile production occurred at different ripeness states and storage life for Mopan, using a specific electronic nose device with 10 different metal oxide sensors (portable E-nose, PEN 3).Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) were used to investigate whether the E-nose was able to distinguish among the different ripeness states (half-ripe, full-ripe, over-ripe) and storage states.The obtained results proved that E-nose could distinguish among the ripeness states and storage states of Mopan.The E-nose was able to detect the differences in volatile profile of Mopan better when using LDA.On the other hand, the separation of controlled freezing point storage and common cold storage for Mopan at 90d was achieved by using both PCA and LDA.Some sensors in E-nose have very important influence on the current recognition pattern of E-nose.A subset of only a few sensors in E-nose can be chosen to explain all the variance and the current result could be used in further studies to optimize the number of sensors.
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