Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by graphene-based solid phase microextraction and GC-MS

来源 :第2届大连国际色谱学术报告会、第37届国际高效液相色谱及相关技术会议、第18届全国色谱学术报告会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonelove0000
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  In order to selectively analyze polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from various complex samples, a type of new and stable solid phase microextraction (SPME) with layered graphene / polydimethylsiloxane phase has been designed and fabricated to utilize the strong π-stacking interaction.The graphene-based SPME was validated to be effective in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) of PAHs (Figure 1).Because the graphene is a double-sided polyaromatic scaffold with an ultrahigh specific surface area (theoretical value 2630 m2/g) or high loading capacity [1], the SPME can offer quiet a high sensitivity, with a limit of detection down to 5.1-15.5 ng/L PAHs.The new SPME was also shown to be stable and reproducible, capable of being repeatedly used for 80-120 extraction/desorption cycles.It has been applied to the determination of PAHs in tobacco smokes, natural vapor of asphalt construction (such as highways) and some biofluids.Detailed discussion will be presented on the conference.
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