The Study on Strategic Repositioning of Thai Health Resort: The Case of Changing of the Target Marke

来源 :广西大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eclipse
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Now in Thailand,Health Resort is a new business which is very popular.The objective of this resort is to bring well-being and improve customer wellness health.In short,the health resort is a place where customers can retreat from a stressful life to seek and improve holistic health,to manage wellness lifestyle and recharge their energy in natural fresh environment.However,the health resorts are mainly focusing their target on high-end customers.The purpose of the thesis is to develop a repositioning strategy for health resort to change its target from high-end market to middle-end.  The exploratory research,qualitative research and quantitative research methods were utilized in this study.6 existing health resorts strategies are identified,then the qualitative data was gathered by in-depth interviews with 10 interviewees and quantitative data was collected by the questionnaires.Finally the new strategy for the health resort which targets the middle-income level group is developed.  It is concluded that in order to penetrate into the middle-end market,the marketing mix has to be changed in order to match the needs of the target customers.The author hopes that the research could be useful for the entrepreneurs who want to run the health resort or the further research in the same area.
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