LGBTI Rithts in Malawi:Neo-colonialism? A Case Study

来源 :华东师范大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyang3d
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The Western world has been taking steps to decriminalise and legalize same-sex marriages, Africa has been going in the opposite direction.Same-sex marriage is now legal in most states in the United States, while about twenty three countries in Europe presently allow same-sex marriage or some form of civil partnership.Africa, on the other hand, is witnessing a rise in the number of countries further criminalizing sexual minorities and homophobia is rising across the continent.38 of the 76 countries that bar homosexuality are in Africa and of these 38, homosexuality attracts capital punishment in 4.  Many Malawians alongside a majority of Africans believe that homosexuality is a Western phenomenon.It is un-African, they say.As a result the recent emergence of LGBTI rights debate and activism has squarely been blamed on the West,saying it is trying to continue telling Africa what to do and what is culturally acceptable.  This study hinged on this accusation and went out to ask if at all the Western world is trying to force or coax Africans into accepting homosexuality.Since Africa is a vast continent,the study was focused on Malawi as a case study.The results from the study can by no means be generalised on the rest of the continent but can help to fill the gap in literature on the issue.  There has been a steady flow on literature on LGBTI issues in Africa,most are focused on cause and effect of homophobia.  The study was centred around the arrest,trial,conviction and pardoning of two homosexuals, Tionge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza between 2009 to 2014.  This was an explorative qualitative research study it used secondary data from credible sources and primary data from semi-structured, formal, open ended interviews with individuals (journalists and activists) who are well informed and connected to the issue of LGBTI in Malawi.  Data were analysed using thematic analysis to identify recurrent themes from the interview transcripts before a comprehensive discussion and triangulation of both primary and secondary data was conducted.  The research amassed enough evidence to prove that while the West is indeed trying to force Malawi to accept LGBTI rights,it has little or nothing to do with neo-colonialism.The homophobia, rife in Malawi,and which is feeding on ignorance,religion and the works of cunning politicians who want to ride to popularity by sensationalizing the LGBTI rights issue,is the cause of Western involvement,not vice versa.
韩非是先秦诸子思想的集大成者,是法家的杰出代表。研究中国传统法律思想,韩非是一个无法跳过的课题。 人们提到法家,言及韩非,总是会联想到“严刑峻法”,可见,重刑思想是韩非法
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