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The implementation of the “double reduction” policy marks the significant adjustment of our educational pattern and also the great transformation of our educational concept.Every educator should change the concept of education in order to fulfill the purpose of lightening the burden of the students and of elevating the quality of education,to achieve the fundamental task of strengthening moral education and cultivating people and to develop the education of all-around.However,the current history teaching in junior high school still reflects the teaching modes that lead astray from the target teaching purpose,such as teaching everything according to the book and the spoon-fed type of teaching.This thesis,with the the help of constructivism theory,multiple intelligence theory,pragmatism theory and the discovery learning theory,studies the history project learning in junior high school based on in-depth learning theory by employing literature research method,case analysis method,action research method and interview method,etc.The thesis consists of four parts.Part One clarifies the definition of the project teaching in junior high school based on the view of in-depth learning theory and also concludes four basic characteristics including the guidance of the teacher,the challenge of the project,the initiatives of the students and the development of comprehensiveness.Part Two further investigates the history project teaching in junior high school based on the in-depth learning theory according to five processes,including the establishment of the purpose and the theme of the project,the creation of the context as well as the design of the project planning,the practice of the project based on group cooperation,the collective study and the exhibition of project outcome and the conclusion as well as reflection.Part Three conducts the teaching practice under the guidance of project history teaching based on in-depth learning theory and analyzes the project of “The Exploration of the History in Modern Chongqing” from its preparation,implementation and the evaluation periods.Part Four evaluates and concludes the matters needing attention in history project teaching in junior high school based on in-depth learning theory.This thesis,combing in-depth learning theory with the project teaching in junior high school history teaching,contributes its innovations and supplements new ideas which have not been covered before.In this way,this thesis endeavors to make contributions to renew the teaching notions as well as the teaching methods,to better fulfill teachers’ mission of cultivating people for our party and nation,to help students achieve in-depth learning,cultivate the advanced thinking quality in history learning and improve their comprehensive ability of this subject and to help them become the qualified constructors of a modern socialist country with strong power.
目的脓毒症是一种严重的危及生命的疾病,肝脏损伤是脓毒症最致命的并发症之一,曲古抑素A(Trichostatin A,TSA)已被报道在一些疾病中调节炎症和自噬。本研究旨在探讨TSA,Foxo3a,自噬在脓毒症肝损伤和炎症中的作用和关系。方法动物部分:采用盲肠结扎穿刺术(CLP)手术方法建立脓毒症小鼠模型模拟脓毒症在体情况。首先使用自噬阻断剂3-MA干预脓毒症小鼠,免疫印迹法检测肝组织微管相关蛋白轻
目的以糖尿病肾病(Diabetic nephropathy,DN)的针灸相关疗法文献为研究基础,采用数据挖掘的方法系统归纳总结针灸治疗DN的穴位分布特点、配伍规律及核心用穴,并以可视化形式进行直观展示,为进一步优化和规范DN的针灸治疗方案提供依据。在明确核心处方后,采用电针干预DN模型大鼠,通过观察大鼠的一般性指标、肾功能指标、肾脏及足细胞病理结构、自噬表达以及胰岛素抵抗情况,以观察电针对DN的影