
来源 :哈尔滨工业大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:piglolo1987
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Background:Internet and social networks have evolved to become a natural part of people‘s life and innumerous hours are spent every day interacting through these platforms. This evolution has resulted in higher expectations on fast and efficient communication with retailer‘s customers. Today‘s customers are well informed and have instant access to information about retailers and their products. Businesses have realized the potential for utilizing social media in terms of creating brand recognition, generating revenue, gaining feedback and insight from customers and improving the customer relationship. Social media is no longer just an option for enterprises that wants to stay ahead in today‘s business environment, it is necessary.  Purpose:The purpose of this study is to identify key concepts for how eCommerce retailers utilize Renren and Face-book page marketing in order to acquire and sustain customer relationships. The authors will further declare the level of ambition among the eCommerce retailers with Renren and Face-book page marketing.  Method:The method used for this thesis is of qualitative and both inductive and deductive character. The explanatory approach has been used in order to provide an understanding of how eCommerce retailers utilize Renren and Facebook page marketing for customer relationship building. Primary data has been collected through semi-structured interview with eCommerce retailers in China. Secondary data was obtained primary through literature and searches in Journals and Library of Harbin Institute of Technology. Selection of respondents has been made by research about industries presence in social media.  Theoretical Framework:This study is based on theories within social media marketing, relationship marketing and communication. The theoretical framework is of both fundamental and detailed character in order to give the reader a better understanding for the topic and is further the foundation for our interview questions.  Conclusion: Among the retailers that participated in our study, the positive aspects of Renren and Facebook page marketing have far outweighed the negative;however, we have identified differences in the level of ambitions among our respondents. When weighting the evidence we can interpret that existing routines for publications among the respondents are undeveloped and undefined. We couldfurther determine that our respondents are using Renren and Facebook more as a traditional one-way marketing channel with promotion of products rather than enhancing the possibilities for dialogue between the organization and their group of interest. Last, it prevail doubt over the value of spending money and time on Facebook page marketing, even though all of the respondents indicated will increase their budget for marketing in this medium.
目的 响应面法优化玛咖苦荞复合茶饮料加工工艺.方法 以感官评分为评价指标,通过响应面优化实验,对玛咖苦荞复合茶饮料加工过程中玛咖粉、苦荞茶及稳定剂添加量进行优化.结果
21世纪来临的前夕 ,全人类都在思考过去的成就与教训、未来的挑战与机遇。科学家们满怀信心地估计一个伟大的科技世纪之后应该是又一个更加辉煌的科技新世纪。 1 999年中国科