Effects of FDI on Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Does it Accelerate Economic Growth in Tan

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One of the striking features of the economies of poor countries in the past decades has been the pervasive and vigorous attempt at promoting foreign direct investment. To poor countries like Tanzania; FDI has been regarded as key engine for fostering economic growth and transformation of their economies. Regarding to this remark, the aim of this project was to assess the impact of foreign direct investment in developing countries mainly Tanzania and use the results obtained to recommend the way forward that would be adopted to foster the expected benefits from FDI. The evaluation of the FDI impacts in the economy of Tanzania was based on the selected economic indicators such gross domestic product growth rates, export and import data, current account balances, balance of payments and gross fixed capital formation. Finally, the case study of FDI in China is analysed where lessons were gathered for other developing countries including Tanzania would learn in order to improve the current performance of FDI their economies. In assessing the impact of FDI in Tanzania, the study shows that FDI has not contributed much to the economic development of the country. Despite of the noted small economic impacts of FDI in Tanzania, I am still convinced that FDI is an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and important catalyst to country’s development if the certain conditions are attained. There are several reasons for poor performance, mostly being poor infrastructures in most developing countries. Based on these results, the challenges confronting poor countries in attracting FDI have continued to become more onerous. These countries are now necessarily called upon to be more creative and innovative in their strategies and methods in dealing with FDI to ensure broadly exploiting their national distinctive advantages. Additionally, it is argued that less developed countries need to learn from other countries such China that proved the excellent performance in FDI as per case study.
本文在Lp(1≤p<+∞),研究了一类具年龄结构的增生扩散型种群细胞中具无限周长的迁移方程,讨论了这类方程相应的迁移算子的谱分析和生成C0半群的性质,并得到了该迁移算子的谱仅由可数个具有限代数重数的离散本征值组成等结果。主要结果如下: 1.在Lp(1≤p<+∞)空间上,讨论该L-R模型所确定的迁移算子AK的生成正C0半群(VK(t))t≥0,并得到了该正C0半群是不可约的等结果。 2.
目的 :总结 10 9例阻塞性黄疸术后黄疸加重病例。方法 :回顾性分析其发病原因及预防治疗。结果 :本组 83 2例阻塞性黄疸病人发生术后黄疸加重 10 9例 ,发病率 13 % ,以肝性黄疸或肝内胆汁淤积性黄疸为主 ,与术前黄疸时间及程度、手术时间长短及术中有无失血过多 ,低血压、休克及缺氧等正相关。结论 :阻塞性黄疸病人发生术后黄疸加重以肝细胞性或肝内胆汁淤积性黄疸为主 ,与内毒素血症及 OF
目的:探讨白芍总苷对腹泻型肠易激综合征(diarrhea predominant irritable-bowel syndrome,IBS-D)大鼠5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)信号通路的影响。方法:选无特定病原体健康成年Wistar大鼠68只,雌雄各半,随机分为正常组13只和造模组55只。造模采用束缚联合慢性不可预见性刺激建立IBS-D大鼠模型,正常组大鼠正常饲养
双歧杆菌作为人体肠道内的主要菌群,可通过黏附定植肠上皮细胞,形成生物屏障,产生有机酸和降低环境中氧化还原电位等机制,阻止外源微生物特别是致病菌的侵入,从而发挥调节肠道微生态平衡,抗炎症和促进宿主健康等作用。 黏附和免疫是双歧杆菌发挥重要生理作用的基础,然而,有关双歧杆菌黏附肠上皮细胞的作用机制和参与免疫作用的物质基础仍不甚清楚,目前有关黏附和免疫的研究主要集中在双歧杆菌的外膜蛋白上。2006
目的 探讨基于CT肾实质期肾周纹理特征术前预测低级别(Fuhrman I/Ⅱ)和高级别(Fuhrman Ⅲ/IV)肾透明细胞癌(cc RCC)的有效性。方法 选取病理证实为cc RCC患者118例。从肾实质期的CT图像中提取肾周纹理的组学特征。用组间和组内相关系数(ICC)、特征间线性相关检查和F检验作为特征筛选方式,最终保留13个特征用于模型构建。通过绘制受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线并计算曲线下
Most organizations down place a high focus on human capital management as a major component of competitive advantage. A primary reason for such is that these institutions still adopt the conventional