
来源 :湘潭大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iqwin
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Buddhism believes that people can enhance the spirit of himself to achieve a true understanding of the universal.So the biggest feature of Buddhist is the individual self transcendence.In Buddhism,the one who got into the highest point of the spiritual realm,thoroughly understood the truth of life in the universe,is called the buddha.The world which is belong to Buddha is called enlightenment world..The avatamsaka sutra builds a completely free and perfect world fulling of boundless light by its special ontology and uinque system of world architecture.The world is a living Buddha harmony and a true dharmadhatu,which Contains all the difference and completely filled with Truth and the light of creation.Standing at the level of enlightenment world,all the differences have been unified and the value of all the things are realized at the level of creation light.Basing in the light world,vatamsaka sutra answered the philosophical problems containing such as the essence of life,the value of world existence,where we should go an so on,expounding some Philosophical proposition especially the unity of existence and ontology,the unity of the ideal and the reality,the unity of Sentient beings and buddha,Solved some problems of the traditional binary opposition which has continued thousands years for example the matter and spirit,Self and others and so on.avatamsaka sutra showed a big cosmic life picture in which Sentient beings can realize its Buddha nature by practice Bodhisattva line,improve his life level,finally get the real liberation.Further,the paper point out that the essence of the world is education,the essence of living is completely equal Buddha nature and the goal of beings is to realize its Buddha nature.Compared with other factions of Buddhism,which defined the world by dark an pain,we say that avatamsaka sutra is the vertices of Buddhism because of avatamsa created a light spirit which light up the dark side of life and instead of the dark by light and love,accept life and other beings,Inspire the light of life,Implemented the sublimation and beyond of inner spiritual.Though this light spirit,we can use it to light up the spirit light of other people.On the other hand,the key why Mahayana Buddhism was popular in the china is that there some Similarities between Mahayana Buddhism and The traditional Chinese philosophy,especially in the view of the unity of existence and ontology,the unity of the ideal and the reality.To explore the answer of the truth of the universe that avatamsaka told us is not only a help for us to think the problem of,moral corruption we facing now,but only provides a lot of enlightenment for the renaissance of our traditional Chinese philosophy.