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Sugawara no Michizane is a famous scholar and poet in the Heian period of Japan. Bornin Sugawara’s family, Michizane was able to make Chinese poems when he was11years old.His main works in Japanese Kanshi are collected in the books Kanke Bunso and Kanke Koshuwhich are praised as the peak in Japanese Kanshi in the early period of Heian. Kanke Bunsocontains the works at the age of11, about600Chinese poems. Kanke Koshu contains46Chinese poems showing the experience and bitterness of Dazaifu. This paper concentrates onthese two books to research the “wasyuu”(Japanese custom) performance and usage inJapanese Kanshi.The word “wasyuu” is put forward by Ogyū Sorai. He pointed out that the “wasyuu”means the characteristic usages and habits which are affected by Japanese language inChinese Poetry of Japan. Due to constant evolution, the definition of Wasyuu becomes moreabundant. There are many “wasyuu” performances in Kanke Kanshi. Firstly from thedescription of scene, there are many same performances, such as Chrysanthemums, whitepeony, and sakura both in Tang Dynasty and Kanke Kanshi, but because of the differences incustoms between China and Japan, images are different. In addition, Kanke Kanshi reflectsthe unique beauty-appreciation of heian period is different from Tang Dynasty. In addition tothe scene and beauty-appreciation, there are many Wasyuu performances in form. Comparingwith Tang Dynasty, there are many unique performances of words expressions and rhythms.Sugawara no Michizane are highly praised by Daigo Emperor, and he has a goodknowledge about Chinese traditional culture. He is an outstanding poet as the same as Kukai.He is a scholar of great attainments about Kanshi. So the Wasyuu performences in KankeBunso and Kanke Koshu are not misused. At last, through the analysis of Michizane’s ideasand opinions, we can explore there are three reasons of Wasyuu’s generation.Fristly, influenceof Japanese language’s characteristics.Secondly,the reason of Society and culture.Thirdly,thereason of Michizane.