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Music is ant of expression. The Tradlistional art of China, with the nourishmentof Chinese cultural atmosphere and art spirit, forms a steady style character and aesthetic temperament. Manifestation is its key feature. And the manifestation of nationalvocal music is of unique connotation and feature; from subjective emotion expression toobjective natural character as well as mlltual permeate between subject and abject etcaspects.The flow pattern of manifestation of national vocal music is: Before sounding,subject emotional activity and expression are stressed, then by smging lyrics, voice asCarrier, the contents and mood of songs are shown. Such flow makes it clear that singingon the level of object regards words-expressing-tune (“words - tune” ) as the estheticrequest, and the expression of words. and tune submit to the show of subjectiveemotion, which is a kind of ethetic trend of “expression as level, words as basis andtune as means” (“expression - words - tune” ). placing expression in the first place anddirecting technology with quality are actually to stress human as the centre of art.Singing full of rich humanistic spirit is the very value of expressional feature in nationalvocal music art.On action level of national vocal music art, the technology and skill of singingshow a linear flow. The reasons as follow: first, Chinese language feature on pitch,tune, rhyme and phoneme and so on affect singing movement which presents a successive,Smooth and moisten, and waving shape, singing action and sound efficiency,therefore it looks like a curve movement; Second, the rich tonecolor change and expressionin national vocal music tune and the tune skilled usage of personality, stylizationenhance vocal elasticity and active flow, awaken hearing tension and strengthenthe life of curve singing, by enhancing vocal decoration(including unlimited possibilityin music structural reduction. spread, falsehood versus reality, scatter, and vacalmovement and the change of human’s voice in tone color, tune, strength, time-ratio).We can say, the linear sining in national vocal music both break the limit of lyricsand words of melody form and is even singers unique emotion - expressing form tothem- selves, others even life and aclture. Linear singing is also Chinese traditionalart’s unholding to advancement and development by songs.Just as lincar flow of singing is “form beauty” (hearing) character of national vocalmusic art, the mood beauty of “breath rhy thm life” is a higher “form”, which rises toa much higher form of beauty. Reflection in singing, first, the singing of “ lovingbreath and rhyme” is the pursuit to songs harmonious beauty which bases on vocallynatural flow and whole expression; Second, the singing of “loving breath and rhyme”also keeps remains, which acuse ethetic imagination and association. So we can singharmoniously and implicitly by breaking the breath - change of sentence stop. tenisionand relaxation of rhythm, ingeniously “sing” rests, skillfully using “by degree” etc,means and skillful usage and dealing with lengthening tune, cadence-form, r-coloring-voice etc. tochnology, falsehood mixing with reality, by expressing semantic lyrics in-formation and non-semantic vague information, producing subtle change of ethetic psy-chology, singing can rise to a higher spirit boundary. Such kind of pursuit to leadingethetic attention to outside of physical sound, which reflects traditional chinese culturalattention to the whole universe and life, requires singers to exceed themselves, seeksthe singing of life in voice out of voice.The linear singing of national vocal music art is full of rich emotion of life, itsmood of “loving breath and rhyme” and the fervor of the universe is of mutual relation.The expression of national vocal music fully lay out Chinse-style beauty: singing full oflife, showing“ loving breath and rhyme” sound, reflecting a“ loving breath andrh
【正】 贺敬之的长诗《雷锋之歌》热情激荡,气势磅礡,读后令人浑身有劲,意气昂扬。诗人写出了我们笔下要写而没有写出的豪言壮语,唱出了我们心底要唱而没有唱出的革命歌声,字
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