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  Zoran Milutinovic著
  安徽大学 钱润荷 编译
  Zoran Milutinovic是个专业宠物摄影师。作为一个爱猫人士,他特别喜欢在自然环境中拍摄猫咪,捕捉它们窥探、奔跑、跳跃等展现各种高超的身手的瞬间和独特的面部表情。他所拍摄的照片常在各种杂志,贺卡,日历,书籍封面,手机壁纸上出现。以下是他分享给我们的关于给猫咪拍照的经验之谈。
  If you want to become a successful photographer, you must always teach yourself new skills, and search for new ideas. It’s okay to look up to other photographers’ works, but at the end it’s very important to develop your own style. Just do what you love and love what you do.
  For me, my passion (激情) in life are cats. When you’re photographing cats, remember to treat them as friends, and your photos will be full of emotions. Be patient and respect your subject — never force a cat to do something against his or her will.
  Below are some of my cat photography tips:
  Carry your camera with you all the time. It’s the only way to be in the right place at the right time. You don’t want to miss all the unexpected situations that cats put themselves into. You never know when you may come across a unique and beautiful cat doing something really funny or cool.
  Get their attention by playing to their curiosity (好奇心). Cats have different characters; they all react differently to similar situations. But one thing they have in common is their natural curiosity. Use it — it’s one of the ways to make the cats go where you want and do what you want them to do.
  Crackling your fingers, shaking paper or throwing something small are great ways to get their attention. Throw something small in the direction where you want to direct the cats, and their curiosity will do the rest. The cats will go and check out what’s there, then just use the paper to make cats turn towards you.
  Be patient. The chances that the cats go where you want and do what you want them to do are just 50%, so don’t worry if you don’t manage to do it during your first try. This is the charm of photographing cats — you have to work hard. Remember, if they do not want to follow you, do not make them by force. Just wait until they are ready to do it.   要有耐心。猫听从你的指挥的概率是50%,因此如果你第一次尝试却没有成功的话也不要着急。这也是给猫拍照的魅力所在——你必须付出努力。记住,如果它们不想听从你的指挥,不要强迫它们。等到它们愿意的时候再行动。
  Always form a plan for what you want to capture (捕捉), but make peace with the fact that you will not always succeed in the first attempt. Accept the fact that cats sometimes will not cooperate; that’s their nature.
  Capture the action with your camera settings ready. For shooting action photos of running or jumping cats, it’s not a shame to put the device on automatic (自动的) mode (模式). No matter how fast you are with the settings, the cat is always one step ahead of you — you may miss the perfect frame or moment.
  Use natural light when photographing cats climbing in the trees or jumping through the grass. The best time for perfect light is when the sun is low, then you’ll have that warm, soft light, without shadows on a cat’s face and fur.
  The use of a flash often distracts animals, and sometimes frightens them. If you have to use a flash, take it off your camera or angle it upwards.
  If you are about to take pictures of jumping and running cats, do not feed them. Who would want to jump and run on a full stomach?
  Keep the eyes sharp. Eyes tend to be the first thing we look at in a picture, so sharp eyes are very important.
  Shoot with a low point of view. Show what life looks like from their angle and perspective. The lower you get will allow you to capture the cat in the position of a real hunter. This makes for a great shot.
  When people see photos of a yawning (打呵欠) cat, they always think that the photographer was lucky to get that shoot. In my experience, when a cat wakes up from sleeping, he or she will yawn about 34 times. So that’s the right time to take a yawning shot.
  While it’s rude to wake someone up from sleep, it’s also probably the best way to capture a yawning cat — when the teeth are exposed (暴露), along with a fearless (大胆的) and wild expression.   然而,把一只猫咪从梦中叫醒是很不礼貌的,但这也可能是拍摄打哈欠的猫咪的好办法之一——那时它们正呲着牙,露出无畏而狂野的表情。
  To capture funny sleeping moments, don’t make a sound. Cats can sleep in various places and positions; it’s strange to us but normal to them. Even if they look like nothing can wake them up, the tiniest noise can disturb them. So be quiet, make no sudden movements, and do not interrupt (打扰) their privacy (隐私). When they wake up, there is only a minimum chance to they get back in the strange but funny position we liked to capture in our photo.
  Keep your distance. When you see a cat or a group of cats playing, do not interfere. Simply position yourself in the best place you can find and stand by for photographing the moment.
  Sometimes, they make quite a show when you least expect it.
  Experiment with capturing different and unique angles. Make every photo different from your previous one. Do not repeat yourself; always look for interesting and new angles. Get ready to slip into strange places, roll on the grass, climb trees. Be ready for mosquitoes’ biting.
  To promote your work, get a good title for a great story, for example, “My Head, My Stomach, I Drank Too Much Milk”. For me, naming a photo with a good title is important. It’s how photos become recognizable (可识别的;可承认的), popular, and fill your viewer with emotions. So many photographers title their photos just “Cat” That’s not enough. A good title can enhance a photo even better, and adds a great story to your shot.
  I hope these tips were helpful and will improve your pet photography skills. Have you got your own tips about photographing and pets? You can also share them with us.
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