超市买班车 市场巨大产品暂缺

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记者在进行此次调查的时候,不断地听到抱怨。超市抱怨车太贵,买不起新车。经销商抱怨超市太穷,不舍得投资。仔细想想这抱怨值得推敲。超市买车潜力巨大超市为什么抱怨车太贵?还不是因为没有合适的车型。市场上目前的客车车型谱系当中,就没有专门针对超市设计的车型。中型客车太浪费,轻型客车则显得有些局促。而且目前的中客、公交都是按照运营要求设计制造的,若作为超市班车,有些功能根本用不上,超市自然不愿意多花钱去买根本用不到的东西。超市真的买不起车?这就是超市的谎言了。从我们对超市班车的广告和载客两个方面的成本和收益分析,超市对班车的投入远远小于收益。也就是说,超市是愿意为班车花点钱的。不过话又说回来,超市的抱怨,问题的症结并不是价格,而是没有合适的车型。谁都知道往脸上贴金,要是超市能找到价格合理又能恰好满足自己需求的车型,它为什么偏要选择破破烂烂的旧车招摇过市,而不买一批“气宇轩昂”的新车提升形象呢? Reporters at the time of the investigation, continue to hear complaints. The supermarket complains that the car is too expensive to buy a new car. Dealers complain that the supermarket is too poor, not willing to invest. Think carefully about this complaint worth considering. Huge potential to buy a car in a supermarket Why do supermarkets complain about cars too expensive? Not because there is no suitable car. Among the current bus models on the market, there are no models designed specifically for supermarkets. Medium-sized buses are too wasteful, while light buses seem cramped. And the current passenger, bus are designed and manufactured in accordance with operational requirements, if as a supermarket shuttle, some functions simply do not have access to supermarkets naturally do not want to spend more money to buy something that is not needed. Supermarket really can not afford the car? This is the supermarket’s lies. From our analysis of the costs and benefits of both the advertising and the carrying of the bus in the supermarket, the investment in the bus by the supermarket is far less than the revenue. In other words, the supermarket is willing to spend some money for the shuttle. But then again, the complaints of the supermarket, the crux of the problem is not the price, but not the right car. Everyone knows to paste his face, if the supermarket can find a reasonable price and just to meet their own needs of the model, why does it choose the shabby old car to swagger the market, instead of buying a number of “imposing” new car to enhance the image it ?
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