Strategies of Syntactic Translation

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  Translation is based on a thorough understanding of linguistic structures, their equivalences, and meanings. H.P. Krings defines a translation strategy as “translator’s potentially conscious plans for solving concrete translation problems in the framework of a concrete translation task.” In linguistics, syntax is the study of grammatical rules which control the structure of sentences. Translation approaches with a particular focus on the syntax are called syntactic strategies. Syntactic strategies, mainly grammatical changes, involve syntactic changes from one language to another. All changes are based on grammar, and this normally involves a change of structures. The most common syntactic strategies that can be found in translated works are: Transposition,Division, Change of word order , Reinventing sentence structure, Shift of sentence elements, Change of voice and condensation . In the following examples, I will illustrate some parts of them.
  1 Transposition
  Transposition is frequently used method in translation. The transposition refers to the original sentence elements or part of speech changed .e.g. from noun to verb, adjective to verb. In Chinese and English language, the classification of part of speech
  is very different. On some occasions it is necessary to change part of speech from one to another to satisfy the need of native language.
  (1)ST: A furious Columbus immediately launched a wholesale attack on the Indian villages.
  In the examples above,the words “quiet ” ,“thoughtful ” and “furious” in English are adjective , but in translation they become verbs. In order to get idiomatic translation, a change of part of speech is frequently seen. Sometimes for more complete meaning of the expression, a word need to change into a sentence.
  (2)ST: Every life has its roses and thorns
  TT: 每人的生活中都有苦有甜
  The transposition takes place not only in the part of speech, but also in many aspects. For example from a word to a sentence , a sentence to a phrase, dynamic word to Static word, or specific word to abstract word(example 2).In the example 2 the rose and thorn are specific common words, but the two words are put together ,the original meaning will be changed. If we use literal translation here , the meaning will be obscure. So we use two abstract words“sweet”and “bitter” instead of “rose” and “thorn”. In this way , the translation looks more logical.
  2 Division   Division refer to divide a sentence into two or more parts without changing its meaning. First of all, we elaborate some structure differences in English and Chinese language. English sentence may be a long and complex with various modifiers before and after the various components. There are conjunctions between the main sentence and clause. Phrases sets phrases and clauses set clause. On the contrary Chinese language uses few conjunctions and narrative arranged in chronological or logical order, thus the sentence is loosely structured, which makes more scattered and elliptical sentence, and less long and complex sentence in Chinese. Therefore, In English-Chinese translation, changing the original sentence structure and simplifying make it into scattered sentence or separate single sentence, in order to adapt to the Chinese expression habits. Division not only adapt to translate single words, phrases, and adapt to translate a simple sentence, also can be used to translate long or complex sentences.
  (3)ST: The number of the young people in the United States who cannot read is incredible---about one in four.
  TT: 大约有四分之一的美国青年人没有阅读能力。这简直令人难以置信。
  In example 3, the word “incredible” is picked out and translated into a sentence.
  3 Change of Word Order
  In translation , it is absolutely impossible to follow the order of the original sentence. To make it clear, it often brings a change of word order.
  3.1 shift the subject of English sentence to the beginning of the Chinese sentence
  In Chinese, it is habit that subject comes first ,and then the action. So the subject of English sentence is generally shifted to the front of the Chinese sentence.
  (4) ST: Taking the train, John arrived in Beijing in 2008.
  TT: 约翰坐火车于2008年到达北京。
  The examples of Chinese-English translation give the verification from the opposite side.
  (5) ST:中国作为发展中的一个沿海大国,国民经济要持续发展,必须把海洋的开发和保护作为一项长期的战略任务。
  TT: As a major developing country with a long coastline, China, therefore, must take exploration and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy.
  3.2 Shift the adverbial in the end of the English sentence to the beginning of Chinese sentence
  (6)ST:But the importance of trade in our economy has exploded in the past three decades.
  TT: 但在过去30年中,我们经济贸易的重要性大大地增加了。
  3.3 shift the modifier before the word that is modified   (7) ST: It is a long narrow swale between two ranges of mountains.
  TT: 那是两条山脉之间的一片狭长的洼地
  (8)ST: He pointed to a lighthouse perched on a tiny island a couple of miles offshore.
  In English, if the attributive is long or it is a phrase or a sentence, it is often put behind the word that is modified. But in English-Chinese translation, the modifier is needed to put back. The change of word order often take place in translation. For example : shift parenthesis to the beginning of a sentence, or shift complement after the object of the sentence etc.
  4 Reinventing Sentence Structure
  English-Chinese sentence structure is different. It is inevitable to make some adjustments on sentence structures in translation. However, some translation practices show that the partial structural adjustment can not completely solve the problem on many occasions. In order to translate idiomatically, English sentences sometimes need to have a major operation. Certain rather radical departures from the formal structure are not only legitimate but may even be highly desirable. Reinventing sentence structure refer to remove the partial or all structure of the original sentence and rebuild a sentence structure. But one important thing is that the materials that rebuild the structure are from the original sentence. That is to say, the content can not change. It is just like demolishing a house and rebuild it in different style with removed bricks and wood. This method is often used to translate long sentences.
  4.1 partial adjustment in structure
  (9) ST: All told , China has roughly 380 million women between the ages of 15 and 55, and few of them—particularly in the cities—want to look any less than the best their budgets allow.
  (10)ST: Eager to trust but determined to verify, many single women in an age of risky romance are hiring private detectives to check the background of their suitors.
  4.2 reconstruct the whole structure of the sentence
  (11) ST: Food manufacturers are flooding the UK market with new products in response to rising demand from a population hungry for “something different”.
  This sentence is divided into the following clauses :
  —(There is)a population hungry for “something different”   —The demand is rising
  —in response to this demand
  —Food manufacturers are flooding the UK market with new products.
  In order to translate smoothly, we reverse the order of the original sentence.
  5 Conclusion
  The translation not only involves in syntactic strategy but also semantic and pragmatic strategies. This essay focuses on exploring syntactic translation strategy. It mainly explores transposition,division, change of word order, reinventing sentence structure and their application. Through the several aspects of study, I hope it can give some help for English-Chinese translation in the future.
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