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编者按: 保护森林资源人人有责。各级党政对此极为重视,十一届三中全会以来,发了一系有关法令、指示、通知、布告。1981年3月中共中央国务院颁布的《关于保护森林发展林业若干问题的决定》中指出“发达的林业是国家富足、民族繁荣、社会文明的标志之一。”把林业这一国民经济的重要部门提到应有的高度:它不仅是国家物质文明建设的组成部份,同时又是精神文明建设的重要组成部汾。1984年9月中华人民共和国主席第19号令公布了《中华人民共和国森林法》,国家把发展林业的各项方针政策上升为森林法,是促进和保障林业发展的有力武器,从此结束了我国林业无法律规范的时代。我区人民政府根据党中央和国务院有关规定精神,结合我区具体情况,采取了各种措施,认真贯彻执行。但是,这一两年,我区有的地方盗砍滥伐森林、放火烧山(包括有意或无意)等破坏森林资源的不法行为仍然不断发生,说明这些地方在林业生产上物质文明建设得不到应有的重视,对国家的林业法规熟视无睹,精神文明建设也跟不上时代的步伐。广大群众对此极为不满,纷纷来信来稿告发、诉斥。全州县发展林业、保护森林资源搞得好,除当地党政领导和群众对林业有深刻的认识外,其原因之一就是县有通告,乡、村、屯(居民小组)有自我教育、互相约束、共同遵守的乡规民约的护林公约。我们希望各地都像全州那样,有自己的护林公约。在此介绍全州县的四份具体材料,以资参考。 Editor’s Note: Protecting forest resources is everyone’s responsibility. Party and government at all levels attach great importance to this. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, a series of relevant decrees, directives, circulars and proclamations were issued. In March 1981, the Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Several Issues Concerning the Protection of Forestry Development in Forestry pointed out that “advanced forestry is one of the hallmarks of a country that is affluent, prosperous and socially civilized.” The important sector of the national economy, Mentioned the due height: it is not only an integral part of the national material civilization, but also an important part of the building of spiritual civilization. September 1984 Chairman of the People’s Republic of China Decree No. 19 promulgated the “Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China,” and all the guidelines and policies for the development of forestry in our country have been promoted to the Forest Law. This is a powerful weapon for promoting and safeguarding the development of forestry. From then on, No legal norms of the times. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, the people’s government of our region has taken various measures in light of the specific conditions in our region and implemented it conscientiously. However, in the past two years, illegal activities such as deforestation and the burning of mountains (including intentional or unintentional) in forest destruction in some areas of our region have continued to occur. This shows that no material civilization has been built in these areas in forestry production To due attention, the country’s forestry laws turned a blind eye to the construction of spiritual civilization can not keep up with the pace of the times. The masses are very dissatisfied with this, have written letters, reprimanded. One of the reasons for the development of forestry and the protection of forest resources in Quanzhou County is that the party and government leaders and the masses in the region have a profound understanding of forestry. One of the reasons for this is that the county has made a circular that towns, villages and villages (residents’ groups) have self-education, Mutual restraint and common observance of the conventions of the country’s forest protection convention. We hope that all parts of the country will have their own forest protection conventions, as the state has done. Here we introduce four specific materials in Quanzhou County for reference.
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