The first chapter contains axioms that we will describe, and it also contains a series of theorems most directly derived from axioms. It is necessary for the reader to pay attention to the significance of the clubs that master the proofs of these theorems, and to check and even remember them. The whole axioms of Bert’s system are not difficult, but if these axioms are not actually applied, it is on the basis of these axioms to prove these theorems in a logical manner, which is of no use for the development of mathematics. Hiberthor’s narrative changes every time the revision is more easily understood and more complete. Although, there are still many gaps in the proofs, and let the readers supplement them. Actually, in this way, The situation has effectively reduced the educational value of the book. The problem lies not only in the fact that a number of omitted proofs are quite difficult, but also more importantly in others. Beginners may not be able to understand him with certainty even after proof has been made. To prove that there is no censure in terms of logic, or in some places it is difficult to assume the hypothesis borrowed from intuition: so the editor and the translator hold the target, and use the appendix attached to the book (pages 403-488). To make up for the narrative gap.