大法官 李彦凯

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李彦凯,男,回族,一九五八年五月生,宁夏海原人。现任宁夏回族自治区高级人民法院院长、党组书记,二级大法官全区各级法院要以党的十八人精神为鼓舞,切实把思想和行动统一党的十八大精神和自治区党委第十一届二次全体会议精神上来;以党的十八大精神为动力,切实把围绕中心、服务大局的总要求落到实处;以党的十八大精神为指导,切实为开创法院工作新局面而奋斗,迅速掀起学习、宣传、贯彻、落实党的十八人精神热潮。增强主动性、有效性和前瞻性,确保智慧司法理念落到实处,确保审判监督年活动和法院文化、信息化“两个平台”建设取得新成效,确保完成全年的审判执行任务,为建设和谐富裕新宁夏,与全国同步进入全面小康社会提供更加有力的法律服务和司法保障。——11月21日,李彦凯在宁夏高院党组扩大会议上讲话摘录作为“全国模范法院”和“全 Li Yankai, male, Hui nationality, born in May 1958, Haiyuan, Ningxia. IncumbentNingxia Hui Autonomous RegionPeople’s court, secretary of the party, second level judge at all levels of the district court to encourage the spirit of the party’s eighteen, and effectively integrate the ideology and actions of the party’s 18th National Congress of the CPC Committee and the Tenth In the spirit of the Second Plenary Session of the Party, motivated by the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, we must effectively implement the general requirements surrounding the center and serving the overall interests and guided by the spirit of the 18th CPC National Congress, earnestly creating a new situation in court work And struggle, quickly set off to learn, promote, implement, implement the party’s eighteen spirit craze. Enhance the initiative, effectiveness and forward-lookingness of the judiciary to ensure that the concept of wisdom and justice is implemented in a down-to-earth manner and ensure that the activities of the trial supervision year and the court culture and informatization will achieve new results in the construction of the ”two platforms“ and ensure the completion of the year- In order to build a harmonious and affluent New Ningxia, it will provide even more powerful legal services and judicial guarantees simultaneously with the entire country in entering an overall well-to-do society. - November 21, Li Yankai excerpts from the enlarged meeting of the party group of Ningxia High Court as ”National Model Court“ and ”All"
CHF_3/O_2接触腐蚀过程中的氢渗透=Si缺陷形成及其相互影响=Hydrogenpermeation,Sidefectgeneration,andtheirinteractionduringCHF_3/O_2contactetching[刊,英]... Hydrogen Permeation in CHF_3 / O_2 Contact Corrosion Process = Si Defect Formation and Its Interaction = Hydr
“轻负高效”是学校实施素质教育的价值取向,也是新课改的必然选择。“争学、针教、真练”教学模式实质是建立在尝试教学理论基础上的一种操作模式。下面,笔者就以历史与社会七年级上册第三单元《一方水土养一方人》的第一目《秦岭淮河分南北》为例,谈谈“争学、针教、真练”教学模式下的作业设计。  一、自学作业  (一)自学作业设计的依据  “争学、针教、真练”模式下的自学作业一般要求学生在课堂上通过自学课文完成,
《数学课程标准》明确提出:数学教学是数学活动的教学,是师生之间、学生之间交往互动与共同发展的过程。数学教学要求联系学生生活,从学生已有的知识和生活经验出发,创设各种情境,为学生提供从事数学活动的机会。  一、创设情境,激发联想  儿童是想象力最丰富、最活泼时期。儿童愿意去发现各种事物。因此,教师的教学要根据儿童的心理特点发挥多媒体课件动态感知的优势,创设情境。激励学生猜想、想象和联想,可以开拓学生
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《词汇研究》(Researching Vocabulary)一书是Norbert Schmitt的新作,介绍了词汇教学的主要研究内容、最新发展趋势和研究方法,对词汇教学研究有很强的指导意义和应用价值。