Rock burst prediction based on genetic algorithms andextreme learning machine

来源 :中南大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hackxingxing
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Rock burst is a kind of geological disaster in rock excavation of high stress areas. To evaluate intensity of rock burst, the maximum shear stress, uniaxial compressive strength, uniaxial tensile strength and rock elastic energy index were selected as input factors, and burst pit depth as output factor. The rock burst prediction model was proposed according to the genetic algorithms and extreme leing machine. The effect of structural surface was taken into consideration. Based on the engineering examples of tunnels, the observed and collected data were divided into the training set, validation set and prediction set. The training set and validation set were used to train and optimize the model. Parameter optimization results are presented. The hidden layer node was 450, and the fitness of the predictions was 0.0197 under the optimal combination of the input weight and offset vector. Then, the optimized model is tested with the prediction set. Results show that the proposed model is effective. The maximum relative error is 4.71%, and the average relative error is 3.20%, which proves that the model has practical value in the relative engineering.
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钱学森是我国杰出的科学家,中国航天事业奠基人、火箭专家。为表彰他对科学技术尤其是我国国防科技事业发展做出的巨大贡献,经国际小行星中心和国际小行星命名委员会批准,中国科学院将国际编号为3763号的小行星命名为“钱学森星”。  钱学森1911年12月11日出生于上海,3岁时便表现出非凡的记忆力,能背诵上百首唐诗、宋词,还能心算加减乘除。到5岁那年,钱学森已经可以读懂《水浒》了——那可是白话文版本的,很