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首先,应明确医院档案开发利用的服务方向是为现代经济建设服务。随着市场经济的发展,科学文化事业的加强,医院档案的作用越来越重要。从经济建设的要求看,医院档案要逐渐适应经济日益增长的需要,努力拓宽开发利用及服务的领域,这就要求医院档案的开发利用必须科学化、制化化,随时提供有价值、准确性的档案信息,积极主动地积累档案资料,在做好医院档案归档工作的墓础上,大力开发已有的珍贵的档案资源,继续抓好与经济建设密切相关的专业档案工作,彻底摆脱单纯的业务观点,牢固树立起医院档案的效益观念,强化开发利用。把大力开发档案信息作为主攻方向,认真进行调查研究,提高医院档案的利用 First of all, it should be clear that the service orientation for the development and utilization of hospital archives is to serve modern economic construction. With the development of market economy and the enhancement of scientific and cultural undertakings, the role of hospital archives is increasingly important. Looking at the requirements of economic construction, hospital archives must gradually adapt to the growing needs of the economy and strive to expand the fields of development, utilization, and services. This requires the development and utilization of hospital archives must be scientific, systematic, and ready to provide valuable and accurate The archives information, actively and actively accumulates archival materials, vigorously develops the existing precious archives resources on the tomb of archival work of archival archives in hospitals, and continues to do a good job in the professional archival work closely related to economic construction, completely free from simple From a business point of view, it firmly establishes the concept of efficiency in hospital archives and strengthens development and utilization. Make great efforts to develop archives information as the main direction of attack, earnestly conduct investigations and research, and improve the use of hospital archives.
近几年来,我县公费医疗管理制度改革作了些努力与尝试,现作如下简述。 一、改革的成效 我县的公费医疗改革方案于1995年9月出台,通过一年多的实施,运行正常。新的管理制度采
难道不是这样么?当人们走过 古典音乐的身旁时,常常矜 持地摇摇头,脸上露出显得不太自然的微笑。”对不起,真的不大能听懂。”他们似乎彬彬有礼的拒绝。 好像大多数的严肃艺术都
作者用聚合酶链反应技术在人类免疫缺陷病毒 ( HIV)逆转录酶 ( RT)基因两端引入新的酶切位点 ,插入质粒 p SP72 ,再将来自质粒 p TX1 0 1的 850个碱基的 Lpp- Omp A序列 (用