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  Then something moved in the hollow of the maple tree.
  It was Ringx, the racoon. Not knowing if Ringx was an enemy like Shifty had turned out to be, Rachet climbed out of the deep hollow and onto a limb. Being a young cat, she knew how to climb up a tree but not how to get down. She stared at the ground below and miaowed the helpless kitten cry for mother, but in vain.
  Ringx heard Rachet’s cry and came from deep in the hollow to peer at the cat. Her beady eyes gleamed in a black furry mask, and her ears were laid back. Rachet took one look at the growling bandit face and leaped. She crashed through the tree limbs, grabbed one, couldn’t hold on, and dropped twelve feet to the ground. Landing on all fours, she ran under the bridge and climbed up into the steel supports. On a high beam twenty feet up, she spit. With that adult cat comment, she discarded the kitten in her and grew up. No more miaows.
  She was on her own amid people, storm, snake, fox, and raccoon. She stayed high on the bridge infrastructure until the rain let up. It was already very late at night when she stirred. She could hunt now. This is the time cats operate secretly and best—but so do Shifty and Ringx.
  Below her two mice came out of the papers and junk. They searched the debris for tasty garbage the swollen Olga River had washed ashore from the parks and towns upriver. Rachet riveted her eyes on the mice. When they ran into a sodden paper bag, she jumped from arch to beam. They came out. She stopped. They disappeared. She ran. When she had worked her way down to the ground, she crept, body low, to a rock near them and sat still. By sitting stone-still and then running, she inched closer to the mice without their realizing she was there. Then suddenly with a flash of her paw she caught one. This time she did not lift it in curiosity but carried the food up to her spot on the steel beam and dined.
  Another mouse took its place—then another. Rachet had found a cat smorgasbord in the heart of fox and racoon territory. She would need all her cat wits to mouse here with Shifty and Ringx around.
  After she had eaten, she washed her mouth with her tongue, then her cheeks and the back of her neck with her paw. There she found a burr. Scratching it with her hind foot, she dislodged it. It fell into the water and floated with the current to a tidal cove.
  A sparrow picked it up and flew landward. Suddenly chased by a hawk, the bird veered and dropped the burr. There it would lie all winter. When spring came it would send out roots and leaves and make more burrs to be dispersed by animals. Burrs were hitchhikers. Rachet had given it a ride from the field to the river to a bird, then from a flying bird to a new home. Rachet was unaware of her part in the burdock’s scheme to spread burdocks. High on the scaffolding, she sat sphinxlike and catnapped.   就在那时,枫树洞里有东西动了一下。
  【第一段】第三句like Shifty had turned out to be指原来拉齐特分不清敌友,被赤狐追杀。这一次她碰见浣熊,先逃开再说。译文没有按照字面翻译为“就像希夫蒂后来证明的那样”,是为了译文更简洁明晰。最后一句中用一个分句“那是一只无助的小奶猫叫妈妈的声音”来翻译词组the helpless kitten cry for mother,属分句翻译技巧,否则译文的定语会太长。
  【第二段】此处的描写充满趣味。浣熊平时的耳朵并不会贴在头上,这样做是表示愤怒和威胁。作者把浣熊描写为“强盗”嘴脸,反映出猫咪心理视角的不屑,所以才有后面的吐口水。最后两句的译文没有紧贴原文,按照语义进行了适当增译。短句she discarded the kitten in her(她抛弃了体内的小猫咪)不宜直译。
  【第四段】这是一段完整的猫咪捕食老鼠过程的描写。拉齐特走走停停,竭力让自己神不知鬼不觉地接近老鼠,完成致命一击。译文应力求简洁,再现原文的动态節奏。最后一句中的lift it in curiosity(好奇地举起来),译文中添加了“查看”。
  【第七段】该段一边传播生态知识,一边用富有情趣的视角描述牛蒡刺果和猫咪。最后两句特别具有幽默感。倒数第二句(Rachet was unaware of her part in the burdock’s scheme to spread burdocks)如果直译会是“拉齐特没有意识到她在牛蒡自我传播计划中所扮演的角色”,过于冗长。译文颠倒了语序,使之符合中文习惯,而且用“传宗接代”来表达幽默感。最后一句中有sphinxlike(像狮身人面像似的)。如直译,只说猫咪像狮身人面像会显得不伦不类,译文点出了其神秘的特征,译为“像神秘的斯芬克斯雕像”。
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