过去,在我的生活中每天离不了的是自行车,但自从5年前一辆“木兰50”踏板车介入了我的生活后,摩托车不仅成为我越来越离不开的亲密伙伴。而且我们全家也跟摩托车结下了不解之缘。 那时,两个孩子一个学唱歌,一个学练声,我又在市内一家广告公司跑业务,爱人是位驾驶员,经常不在家。所以,接送孩子、上下班、买菜做饭使我忙的不可开交,也渐渐让我感到力不从心。“买辆摩托车吧”,我和爱人不约而同地想到一块儿。于是,1992年那年,我们夫妻俩逛遍了宜宾市内的摩托车销售店,比较来比较去,最后选择了“木兰50”,我们看中的就是它小巧玲珑、轻便,适合女同志骑。
In the past, bicycles were a daily routine in my life, but since a Mulan 50 scooter came into my life five years ago, the motorcycle has not only become a close companion to my growing inseparability. And our whole family also formed a mystery with the motorcycle. At that time, two children sing one by one, a learned voice, I ran an advertising company in the city business, lover is a driver, often not at home. So, pick up children, commute to work, buy food to cook make me busy, but also gradually let me feel powerless. “Buy a motorcycle,” I and my lover invariably think together. So, that year in 1992, the couple we visited the Yibin motorcycle sales shop, compare to compare, and finally chose the “Mulan 50”, we fancy is that it is small and lightweight, suitable for lesbian riding.