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1999年7月的一天。一位面色红润、坐着轮椅的残疾人在路人的指引下来到当地妇联,他话还未出口,泪已先流:“我能够活到今天,全靠前妻和一位好兄长的爱心。” 爱情,在下岗中凋零 1992年5月的一天,胡淑芬和往日一样,提前一刻钟来到工作单位,刚一进公司大门,她顿觉蹊跷,公司办公楼前怎么会有这么多人,一打听才知道,今天公司公布首批下岗人员名单,让她没想到的是,连年被评为先进工作者、身为单位油漆班长的她也被公司宣判了“死刑”——下岗放长假,当听到领导喊到自己的名字时,不啻一个霹雳打在胡淑芬的头顶上,坚韧、好强的她被击倒了,跌跌撞撞中,胡淑芬回到了家扑倒在床上,眼泪扑簌而下,然而令胡淑芬万万没想到的是人生最大的挫折 One day in July 1999. A ruddy, handicapped man in a wheelchair came down to the local women’s federation under the guidance of passers-by. His words had not yet been exported. Tears were already flowing: “I can live by my love today, thanks to my ex-wife and a good brother. Love, laid off in the laid-off May 1992 day, Hu Shufen, as usual, one hour earlier came to the work unit, just entered the company door, she felt pesky, how can there be so many people in front of the office building, I heard that before the company announced the first list of laid-off workers, so she did not expect that in recent years was rated as advanced workers, as a unit paint squad leader she was also sentenced by the company ”death penalty" - lay-off Long holidays, when you hear the leader shouted his name, not a thunderbolt hit the head of Hu Shufen, tough, strong she was knocked down, stumbled, Hu Shufen returned to the house flutter in bed, tears flutter down, However, Hu Shulifen never imagined the biggest setback in life
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在许多人侈谈人生价值取向却莫衷一是的时候,一个普通中学教师用他来不及书写的遗愿交出一份出色的答卷。他叫叶荫堂,在山东省成武县一中任教。 1978年10月,校长说上级给我
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