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中国施工企业管理协会天津通联站,组建于1991年4月。通联站设在天津市建筑业协会,接受中国施协和天津建筑业协会的双重领导,与天津市建筑业协会信息联络部合并工作。三年来,通联站日臻完善,队伍不断壮大,工作领域不断拓宽,以为企业服务为宗旨,紧密围绕企业的深化改革,强化管理,转换机制,增强经济效益,开展信息工作,发挥了积极作用,受到政府有关主管部门和企业的欢迎。我们所做的工作如下: 一、建立健全信息网络,充分发挥信息联络员的积极作用 1.通联站建立之后,我们首先着手通联队伍的建设。在原天津建协信息队伍的基础上,按照通联站工作任务的需要,参考中施企协通联员的聘任条件,对信息联络员队伍进行了调整和扩大。聘任了企业和相关单位信息员80多名,覆盖了天津城建系统建工、房管、市政、建材、园林、公用、地方铁路、及中央各部驻津单位等各个方 The China Construction Enterprise Management Association Tianjin Tonglian Station was established in April 1991. The Tonglian Station is located at the Tianjin Construction Industry Association and is under the dual leadership of the China Association for Construction and the Tianjin Construction Industry Association, and merges with the Tianjin Municipal Construction Industry Association Information Liaison Department. In the past three years, Tonglian Station has been improving, the team has grown, the scope of work has continued to expand, and the purpose of corporate services has been closely followed by the deepening of reforms in enterprises, strengthening management, changing mechanisms, enhancing economic efficiency, and carrying out information work. The relevant government departments and companies welcome. The work we do is as follows: 1. Establish and improve the information network and give full play to the positive role of the information liaison officer. 1. After the establishment of the Tonglian Station, we first started the construction of the Tonglian team. On the basis of the former Tianjin Construction Association’s information team, and in accordance with the needs of the Tonglian Station’s work tasks, the information liaison team was adjusted and expanded with reference to the appointment conditions of the China-Canada Enterprise Association. Appointed more than 80 information officers from enterprises and related organizations, covering all aspects of construction of Tianjin Urban Construction System, housing management, municipal administration, building materials, gardens, public utilities, local railways, and central government units in Tianjin.
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