
来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wenjiakui
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1994年是我国推进建立社会主义市场经济体制改革的关键一年,也是上海人民实现一年变个样。三年大变样的决定性一年。我们公司作为上海市重大工程建设的主力军,抓住机遇,提出了“加大改革力度,加快发展速度,加强管理深度”的总体思路。争取达到全年施工产值突破5亿元大关、利润2700万元、人均收入增辐30%的崭新目标。 一、加大改革力度 1994年,公司从企业的实际出发,在坚持“三个有利”有利于提高劳动生产率,有利于提高公司的综合实力,有利于提高职工生活水平的前提下,坚持整体推进和重点突破相结合,进一步对内搞活和落实责任制相结合,宏观调控和微观搞活相结合,以加强企业经营管理,提高企业索质和市场竞争力为目的,解决企业深层次的矛盾,进行企业制度的创新,自上而下加大改革力度。 1、进一步解放思想,统一认识,打破传统观念,为 The year 1994 was a crucial year for China’s reforms to promote the establishment of a socialist market economy system, and it was also a year in which the people of Shanghai realized a change. A decisive one-year change of three years. As the main force of major project construction in Shanghai, our company has seized the opportunity and put forward the general idea of ​​“enhancing the reform, accelerating the pace of development, and strengthening the management depth”. We will strive to achieve a new target of annual construction output value exceeding the 500 million yuan mark, profit of 27 million yuan, and 30% increase in per capita income. 1. Intensifying reforms In 1994, the company proceeded from the reality of the company and adhered to the principle of “three advantages” to help increase labor productivity, improve the company’s overall strength, and improve the living standards of employees. In combination with key breakthroughs, further invigoration and implementation of the responsibility system, combined with macro-control and micro-invigoration, with the aim of strengthening enterprise operation and management, improving corporate quality and market competitiveness, and solving deep-level contradictions of enterprises, The innovation of the enterprise system has increased reform efforts from the top down. 1, further emancipate the mind, unify understanding, break the traditional concept, for
改革大潮汹涌澎湃。在这波峰浪谷之中,千船竞发,万舸争流。有多少弄潮者,击风搏雨,一往直前。河南第二火电建设公司经理刘景文,便是其中的一个。 敢问路在何方 八十年代初,
中国个人电脑市场的形成和发展,已经历了15年。近3年来,出现了需求大幅度上升与机型全面替换并存的局面,特别是1992年下半年后,以美国AST和中国 The formation and develop