要办好一所学校,同志之间的团结是至关重要的。人心齐泰山移,三人一条心黄土变成金的话,人人皆知;四分五裂,一盘散沙的害处,个个懂得。可是,事实却往往相反,扭东裂西的情况,时有见闻。这是什么原因呢? 俗云:三人下饭馆,口味不一。同是一样饭菜,甲说咸,乙嫌淡,意见就统一不起来。一个学校,教师众多,在各个方面会有很多不一致的地方。就说工作态度吧,总有踏实、浮躁与积极、消极之别。前者对后者有意见,后者看前者不顺眼。再论工作方法吧,就有不断革新与墨守成规之分。前者评后者守旧,后者讥前者逞能。还有思想修养、政治认识等等差异,甚至年龄也可成为“隔
To run a school well, the unity between comrades is crucial. People’s hearts are moving in the direction of the Taishan Mountains. Everyone has a heart of loess and become gold. Everyone knows it. Everyone knows how to break things apart. However, the facts are often the opposite. What is the reason for this? Vulgar: Three people have different tastes at restaurants. The same food is the same, A is salty, B is light, and opinions are not united. A school has many teachers and there are many inconsistencies in all aspects. Speaking of work attitude, there is always practicality, impetuosity and positiveness and negativeness. The former has opinions on the latter, and the latter sees the former unpleasant. Again on the working methods, there will be constant innovation and ingenuity. The former commented on the latter’s conservative attitude, while the latter criticized the former. There are also differences in ideological cultivation, political understanding, etc. Even the age can be separated by