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  A 1)string quartet plays in the background as I listen to a famous New Age 2)guru perform a wedding ceremony on a 3)Malibu cliff.
  The guru is marrying two friends of mine who met in an acting class last year. She turns to the groom and launches into a 4)spiel about how from now on, he’s going to make the bride’s “heart his home.”
  That’s when I start to lose it. I feel the Malibu sun warming my shoulders and melting all my 5)cynicism into a pool of 6)mush. I grip my girlfriend’s hand for support but she’s doing worse than I am, wiping her teary eyes on a 7)scarf.
  “I’m not crying for them,”she whispers. “Im crying for me. No one’s going to make my heart their home.”
  “I know,”I confess. “Someone might make my heart their apartment, but they’ll ruin the carpets and insist on a month to month 8)lease.”
  We’re 9)giggling until we get some 10)dirty looks and regain our 11)composure.
  The guru goes on about love and partnership and I’m still thinking about home.
  I’m thinking, in particular, about a guy who invited me to a dinner party recently at his home. He’s the kind of guy I’m popular with these days, in his late thirties and desperate to get married to 12)appease his mother or 13)squelch any uncomfortable rumors about his sexuality.
  His apartment displayed the sort of 14)Spartan living that makes a jail 15)cell look like a suite at the 16)Ritz.
  I happened to see his bedroom on an apartment tour. A mattress sat on the floor, across from a TV 17)teetering 18)precariously on a milk 19)crate. A lone, 20)dingy white sheet clung to the bed. I’m no 21)Martha Stewart, but would it kill him to get a top sheet? A plant? If he made my heart his home, would it start to look a little like this?
  The guru asks the bride to recite the vows she has written. They’re beautiful. “I’m so grateful you chose me, and that you choose me every day,”she says, gripping a bouquet of yellow flowers.
  My friend squeezes my hand and I remember that other people crying always makes me cry and now the whole place is a 22)sniffling mess.
  This is a big year for weddings. My peers are starting to marry off 23)in droves. I’ll be a bridesmaid in September and I already have the sea 24)foam green dress to prove it. I don’t know how I feel about weddings, although I’m always honored to be a part of them. My family’s on the poor side and I’m on the practical side so I can only imagine doing the 25)Vegas thing myself.
  It’s cooling off as the groom lifts the bride’s 26)veil and they kiss.
  The last thing I want to be is the single, bitter wedding guest. What saves me from that 27)hideous 28)plight is my total 29)ambivalence about the whole thing. They say girls fantasize about white dresses and flowers and a big production but I only seem to yearn for the sweet excesses of a bachelor party.

  The wedding guests move to outdoor tables and my friends and I talk about what kind of wedding we’d like. They ask me if I’d like a Jewish wedding. I say a date with a top sheet might be a good start, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
  I 30)strike up a conversation on the dance floor with a teacher from Dallas because I’ll do anything to not dance at weddings. He’s nice. I wonder briefly how he’d feel about making my heart his home. He makes his 31)rental care his home and leaves early to catch a flight back to Dallas. Even if you’re not 32)pining to get married, weddings can make you needy and sappy and lonely even teachers from Texas.
  The bride gets up to sing her new husband, “My Funny Valentine.”He loves it when she sings and her voice is clear and 33)controlled and perfect.
  To comfort myself, I recall an elderly couple I once saw eating their 34)early bird specials in total silence, broken only by the 35)slurping of vegetable beef soup.
  Don’t feel bad, I tell myself. One day it’s flowers and vows, the next it’s 36)couples counseling and a mini 37)van. One day it’s 38)grilled 39)salmon and wedding cake, the next it’s vegetable beef soup.
  Married people may be happier and they may not. There’s all kinds of loneliness and as many forms of contentment. I read 40)Richard Cory. I know there’s no way to tell from the outside who is truly happy.
  Somewhere, I imagine, the bride is carefully hanging up her dress and smoothing it on the hanger. She’s giggling every time she says the word “husband.”
  My friends and I climb into our car. The dirt road back to the freeway is long and 41)bumpy, and we 42)dish about the teacher and sing from the back seat all the way down.



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