《国际教育百科全书》条目选译(续) 发展中国家的科学技术教育

来源 :四川外语学院学报(高等教育研究专版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wllzjw
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发展中国家的高等学校仍旧很难使西方的科学和技术适合他们自己的文化传统和社会经济发展的需要。下面的回顾追述了有关适应性问题的历史基本情况,叙述了这个问题的几个主要特点,而且提出了有助于在多数国家里增强科学技术教育的适应性的措施。 Higher education institutions in developing countries still find it hard to adapt Western science and technology to the needs of their own cultural traditions and socio-economic development. The following review recapitulates the basic history of adaptation issues, describes several key features of the issue, and proposes measures that will help to increase the adaptability of science and technology education in most countries.
“岭南文派”属于“太平洋文明”圈的开放型文化,出路不在于回归传统,而在于超越地域与传统。 “Lingnan School” belongs to the open culture of “Pacific Civilization
Ⅰ.选择填空。   1. The little girl has ____ uncle and ____ aunt.  A. a; aB. an; aC. a; anD. an; an   2. ____ your brother ____ fruit?  A. Is; like B. Does; like C. Do; likesD. Does; likes   3. I think this
奇特的100米决赛由于没有统一的规定,在首届现代奥林匹克运动会(the Olympic Games)上,出现了许多有趣的事。 The strange 100m finals, because of the unification of reg
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