
来源 :中学英语之友·初一版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ellen
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   1. The little girl has ____ uncle and ____ aunt.
   A. a; a B. an; a C. a; an D. an; an
   2. ____ your brother ____ fruit?
   A. Is; like B. Does; like C. Do; likes D. Does; likes
   3. I think this kind of movies is interesting, ____ my pen pal doesn’t like it.
   A. but B. so C. and D. or
   4. ——The sweater is beautiful. ____ is it?
   ——It’s 120 yuan.
   A. How B. How muchC. How many D. How old
   5. This is Susan and that is Mary. ____ my ____.
   A. She’s; friend B. They’re; friend
   C. They’re; friends D. They; friends
   6. They like ____ books and we like ____ music.
   A. read; listen B. reading; listening
   C. reading; listening to D. reading to; listening to
   7. ——When is your brother’s birthday?
   ——It’s ____.
   A. July 8th B. nine o’clock C. two hours D. Monday
   8. Tom can play ____ guitar, but he can’t play ____ basketball.
   A. a; a B. the; the C. the; / D. the; a
   9. ——Where does your pen pal David live?
   ——He lives ____ Tokyo, Japan.
   A. at B. on C. to D. in
  10. He likes ____ and ____.
   A. tomatos; chicken B. tomatoes; chickens
   C. tomatoes; chicken D. tomato; chickens
  11. ——Do Chinese like playing basketball?
   A. Yes, he does B. No, they aren’t
   C. Yes, they do D. No, they can’t
  12. ——____ does your brother go to school?
   ——At 7:00.
   A. What time B. What C. How D. Where
  13. He eats ____ healthy food.
   A. lot of B. a lot of C. any D. a lots of
  14. ——Your hat is very nice.
   A. You are right B. That’s right
   C. You are welcome D. Thank you
  15. She is ____ at playing the piano. And she can sing very ____, too.
   A. good; wellB. well; good C. good; good D. well; well
  Peter is an eight-year-old boy. He is a good boy. He does __1__ in all his lessons. He __2__ school and he is always active in class. Every time the teacher asks a question, Peter always __3__ his hand quickly. Sometimes his answer is __4__, but the teacher always smiles(微笑) and says, “Good, Peter. But __5__ a better answer to my question?”
  One day, the teacher asks the boys and girls a question. “Swallows(燕子) fly to the south before winter __6__,” he says. “But why don’t cats and dogs do __7__?”
  Peter lifts(举) his __8__ as usual.
  “Yes, Peter?” says the teacher __9__.
  Peter stands up and says, “__10__ they have no wings (翅膀).”
   1. A. good B. hard C. well D. bad
   2. A. lovesB. likes a C. goes to a D. enjoys
   3. A. gets up B. puts on C. gets on D. puts up
   4. A. right B. wrong C. easy D. hard
   5. A. has B. is there C. are there D. have
   6. A. will come B. is coming
   C. comes D. is going to come
   7. A. different B. these C. the same D. with
   8. A. hand B. head C. foot D. eye
   9. A. heavy B. glad C. happily D. angrily
  10. A. Why B. BecauseC. That D. Where
  Mr King has a car. In the morning he takes his children to school in his car at about seven. Then he drives to work. Mr King and his children do not have lunch at home but Mrs King does. She does not go to work. She stays at home and does shopping and some cleaning in the morning. In the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them. Then she cooks supper for her family. Mr King comes back home late. He comes home at a quarter past six. The children do not come back in their father’s car. They take a bus home. They usually come back home before five.
   1. The children usually go to school ____.
   A. on foot B. by bus C. by car D. by bike
   2. Mrs King has lunch ____.
   A. with Mr King B. with her children
   C. at school D. at home
   3. Mrs King ____.
   A. does housework at home
   B. goes to work with her friends every day
   C. goes to cook supper for her friends in the afternoon
   D. goes to take her children back home every day
   4. Mr King usually ____.
   A. takes his children back home from school in the afternoon
   B. drives to work
   C. comes back home by bus
   D. goes to talk with his friends in the afternoon
   5. The children come back home ____.
   A. at seven B. at half past six
   C. before five D. at a quarter past six
  Kate and Mike like sports. In summer they swim and in winter they ski(滑雪). They are planning(计划) a ski trip for this weekend, but they don’t know what the weather will be like. It’s 7:30 now, and they are
  listening to the weather report(天气预报): “It’s going to be -4°C. It’s going to snow Friday night. Saturday and Sunday are going to be clear(晴朗), cold and sunny.”
  Now Kate and Mike are excited(兴奋). The weather is going to be perfect (完美的) for a ski trip. They want to have a wonderful weekend in the mountain(山).
   6. Kate and Mike like listening to the weather report.
   7. They plan to have a ski trip for this weekend.
   8. They want to know about the price.
   9. It will be clear, cold and sunny on Saturday and Sunday.
  10. Kate and Mike are excited because the weather is going to be perfect for a ski trip.
  Dave: What sports do you like?
  Rite:I like basketball.
  Dave: Why do you like it?
  Dave: Do you want to play it now?
  Dave: What movie?
  Dave: But I don’t like so. Action movies are usually boring and scary.
  Rite: __4__
  Dave: I like comedies.
  Rite: __5__
  A. I enjoy P.E. at school.
  B. I like history.
  C. What kind of movies do you like then?
  D. Because it’s exciting.
  E. Frequency. It’s an action movie and it’s interesting.
  F. Oh, I like comedies, too.
  G. Sorry, I don’t. I want to go to a movie.
   1. She wants ____(read) a book.
   2. Let’s go and ____(see) our grandfather.
   3. Please tell him ____(not do) the work.
   4. Would you like ____(have) a cup of tea?
   5. ——What ____ your brother ____(do)?
   ——He is a teacher.
   6. We all like ____(play) computer games.
   7. She ____(get) up at 6:30 in the morning.
   8. Can he ____(ride) a bike?
   9. His birthday ____(be) December 16th.
  10. She ____(have) a new sweater.
   1. Jack does his homework in the evening. (改为否定句)
   Jack ____ ____ his homework in the evening.
   2. She wants to go to the movie. (改为一般疑问句)
   ____ she ____ to go to the movie?
   3. They are English girls. (改为单数句)
   ____ is ____ English ____.
   4. These are Tom’s books. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ are these?
   5. She has breakfast at six thirty every morning. (对划线部分提问)
   ____ ____ does she ____ breakfast every morning?
   6. You can’t play football here. (改为祈使句)
   ____ ____ football here.
   7. Her sister often takes a bus to school. (改为同义句)
   Her sister often ____ to school ____ bus.
   8. What does your father do? (改为同义句)
   ____ your ____ job?
   9. What can I do for you? (改为同义句)
   ____ I ____ you?
  10. I like both comedies and thrillers. (改为选择疑问句)
   ____ you ____ comedies ____ thrillers?
   1. What’s ____(you) first name?
   2. I have two ____(dictionary).
   3. I think you can do it ____(you), Jack.
   4. Sunday is the ____(one) day of a week.
   5. There aren’t ____(some) chairs in the room.
   6. He only ____(watch) games on TV.
   7. Please let her ____(take) it to your friend.
   8. I like English ____(well) of all the subjects.
   9. I have twelve ____(tomato). How about you?
  10. This book is very ____(interest). I like it very much.
   1. 他出生在中国,但他的父母都是英国人。
   He ____ ____ ____ China, but his parents are ____.
   2. 你擅长玩电脑游戏吗?
   Are you ____ ____ ____ computer games?
   3. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?
   What’s your ____ ____?
   4. 早饭你想吃什么?
   What ____ you like ____ ____ ____ breakfast?
   5. 我们的老师对我们很严格。
   Our teachers ____ ____ with us.
  根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一篇小短文,介绍一下你们学校附近的一家商店。词数不少于60。 题目为“The Shop Near Our School”。
  Place: near our school
  Name: People’s Shopping Center
  Things to sell: food, drink, fruit, school things…
  Business hours: 8:00 am-8:30 pm
  Shop assistants: kind and friendly
   The Shop Near Our School
  Key(1):(A)1.C 2.C 3.C (B)1.D 2.C 3.B (C)1.D 2.B 3.C
  Key(2):1.Do, want 2.Does, like 3.they do 4.she doesn’t 5.Does, eat any, it does
  Key(3):1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.Can your brother play volleyball 8.I can’t speak English 9.Yes, I can 10.No, she can’t
  Key(4):1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B
  Key(5):1.What color 2.What3.Who 4.What 5.Why6.Who 7.What
  8.What class 9.Who 10.What
  (九单元)1.C2.What kind of, does3.①real②really③real 4.What, does, like best 5.What’s her favorite subject? 6.successful 7.don’t think, are 8.A
  9.exciting 10.on→with
  (十单元):1.A 2.play with 3.joining→to join 4.What club,want 5.is good with 6.helps, with 7.C 8.show, to me 9.May I have your name, please?/Excuse me, may I know your name?/Your name, please?10.or Tom’s
  (十一单元):1.What time does, have 2.has a shower 3.What a, she is 4.to look for 5.she works 6.What time is it 7.Thanks a lot 8.write to
  (十二单元):1.Why does, like 2.have to, because 3.be strict with 4.is strict in 5.C 6.B 7.at→for
  Key(7):1.hours 2.minutes 3.seconds 4.metres 5.China
  Ⅰ.1.at 2.brothers 3.family 4.every 5.parents 6.daughter 7.boring 8.healthy 9.breakfast 10.interesting 11.have 12.party 13.game 14.take 15.about
  16.night 17.city 18.Friday 19.shower 20.wishes
  Ⅱ.1.tomatoes 2.running 3.are 4.really 5.Do 6.her 7.many 8.these 9.well
  10.collections 11.runner 12.has 13.Chinese 14.ourselve 15.musician
  16.years 17.well 18.them 19.mother’s 20.watches 21.twelfth 22.feet
  23.classes 24.knives 25.any
  Ⅲ.1.in 2.at 3.on, for 4.to, with 5.to 6.to, on 7.in 8.for 9.After, to, by
  10.about 11.with 12.at 13.like 14.at 15.with
  Ⅳ.1.there 2.night 3.short 4.Those 5.last 6.daughter 7.mother 8.buy 9.close 10.dislikes 11.difficult 12.busy 13.dirty 14.girl 15.late
  Ⅴ.1.watching 2.reading 3.Look 4.see 5.day 6.date 7.Day 8.work 9.job
  10.works 11.speak 12.tell 13.talk 14.say 15.little 16.a little 17.little 18.a little 19.very much 20.very
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