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与登明相识,那是1995年的事。在举世闻名的都江堰。这是一个建设于中国秦朝并使用至今的大型水利工程,更是一处风光旖旎充满诗意的景区。面对奔腾的岷江,当时我们都很敬佩和景仰这个工程的设计者和创造者的伟大。都江堰改变了李白笔下的“蚕丛及鱼凫,开国何茫然”、“人或为鱼鳖”的成都 Meet Dengming, that was 1995. Dujiangyan in the world-famous. This is a large-scale water conservancy project that has been built in the Qin Dynasty in China and is still in use. It is also a beautiful and poetic scenic spot. In the face of Pentium’s Minjiang River, we both admired and admired the great designers and creators of this project. Dujiangyan changed the Li Bai pen under the “silkworm clumps and fish 凫, the beginning of the country at a loss”, “people or fish” Chengdu
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蓝色火焰在盛着白兰地与方糖的小汤匙上隐隐燃烧——特制的汤匙架于咖啡杯上,火焰便在匙中轻舞,直至淡去,然后,将匙中混着温 The blue flame burns faintly on small spoons
How to address the challenges faced in the industry transformation and upgrading?Gao Yunhu:The green design has been promoted to tackle the challenges in the de
作为英语文字工作者,在日常工作中我经常遇到有人动辄把做形容词用的English译成“英国的”(UK,British),那么,它们之间究竟是不是一回事呢? As an English word worker, I
“岭南文派”属于“太平洋文明”圈的开放型文化,出路不在于回归传统,而在于超越地域与传统。 “Lingnan School” belongs to the open culture of “Pacific Civilization