故障现象1:开机,面板灯均不亮,风扇也不转。 分析与维修:根据故障现象,说明故障在电源板上。打开机壳,目测保险管,完好;从机箱里取出电源板,带上风扇,加电,用万用表测量开关管Q1的集电极电压,为185V(正常值为300V左右),有可能整流桥堆DB1中有一整流管性能不好,关机,静态测量DB1,正常;再加电,测量C6两端电压,为0V,取下C6检查,充放电正常;最后检查限流电阻R1、R2,无异常;将R1、R2两端短接,风扇转动,测量各组输出电压,正常;测量触发电压,-4.57V,也正常。说明很可能是双向可控硅损坏,更换之;若没有该元件更换,应急的办法是直接将R1、R2短接,加电,故障排除。
Symptom 1: boot, panel lights are not bright, the fan does not turn. Analysis and Maintenance: According to the fault phenomenon, indicating the fault on the power board. Open the case, visual fuse, intact; remove the power board from the chassis, fan, power, with a multimeter to measure the collector voltage Q1, 185V (normal value of about 300V), it is possible rectifier bridge reactor DB1 in a rectifier performance is not good, off, static measurement DB1, normal; re-power, measuring C6 voltage across the 0V, remove the C6 check, charge and discharge normal; the last check the current limiting resistor R1, R2, no exception ; R1, R2 shorted at both ends, the fan rotation, measuring the output voltage of each group, normal; measurement trigger voltage, -4.57V, also normal. Note that it is likely that the triac damage, replacement; if the replacement of the component, the emergency approach is to R1, R2 short, power, troubleshooting.