From SARS to COVID-19: Zhong Nanshan 从“非典”到新冠肺炎:钟南山

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  Zhong Nanshan, was born in Nanjing in October 1936. He is a member of theCommunist Party of China, an academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering,a famous 1)respiratory expert, and a leading figure in the fight against SARS in China.He once served as the president and Secretary of the Party committee of GuangzhouMedical College, the director of Guangzhou Institute of respiratory diseases, the directorof Guangzhou National Key Laboratory of respiratory diseases, and the president ofthe Chinese Medical Association. ZhongNanshan comes from a medical family. Hisfather Zhong Shifan is a famous 2)pediatricexpert in China, and his mother Liao Yueqinis one of the founders of Guangdong cancerhospital.
  1) respiratory [r?’spir?tri] adj.呼吸的
  2) pediatric [,pi:di’?tnk] adj.儿科的
  Zhong Nanshan has been engaged in medical treatment, teaching andscientific research of respiratory medicinefor a long time. Focus on the standardizeddiagnosis and treatment of 3)asthma,COPD, respiratory failure and commonrespiratory diseases, as well as themonitoring and treatment of difficultdiseases, rare diseases and critical respiratory diseases. It is the first time to confirmthe existence of 4)latent asthma. The success rate of his research institute in diagnosing5)chronic cough of unknown cause is 85%, and the success rate of rescue in ICU is91%. He has been engaged in clinical, teaching and scientific research of respiratorydiseases for more than 50 years, and is one of the discipline leaderS to promote thedevelopment of Chinese respiratory diseases to the international forefront. In theSARS 6)epidemic, he took the lead in leading the team to put into the rescue action,established the etiology of Guangdong Province, organized the research on theprevention and control of SARS in Guangdong Province, and achieved the highestsurvival rate in the world.
  In 2003, Zhong was awarded the only specialmerit by the Guangdong Provincial Party Committeeand the Provincial Government, and the highest7)honorary title of the domestic health system-theBethune Medal. The following year, he was honoredas "one the most important Chinese who touchespeople to the heart" by the government of China. Heis the Chinese hero against the terrifying respiratoryvirus known as SARS-Cov. Today, 17 years later,
  3) asthma[’?sm?]n。哮喘
  4) latent [’leitnt] adj.潛在的
  5) chronic [’kr?nik] adj.慢性的
  6) epidemic [,epi’demik]n.流行病   7) honorary [’?n?r?ri] adj.荣誉的When the novel coronavirus epidemic broke outin early 2020, the 84-year-old Zhong returnedto the 8)battlefield and was appointed to headboth China’s COVID-19 Expert Team and theHigh-Ievel Expert Group of the NHC. After hisfield trip to Wuhan, he warned in a TV interviewthat there was a 9)phenomenon of human-to-human transmission for the novel coronavirus.During the outbreak, Zhong educated thepublic about the virus, updated them on thetrend of the epidemic as well as relative drugR
当一只蝴蝶飞进熊家……  小云朵会立刻踮起脚尖,学着蝴蝶的样子翩翩起舞。  晴天小熊会跑去翻他的《昆虫大辞典》,好知道这只蝴蝶的名称,以及所有关于它的事情。  熊妈妈的脚步会变得很轻,免得吓着它。她希望蝴蝶能在熊家多待一会儿。  而熊爸爸呢,会得意扬扬。因为他认为,蝴蝶乐意飞来熊家,一定是因为他养的花开得特别好。  虽然熊一家的反应各不相同,但是他们都很喜欢有蝴蝶飞来。他们一致认为,蝴蝶会带来充满
冬日里的阳光。温暖、和煦,像春雨,润物无声,一点点地融入人的心里,使人的内心深处不时地涌出一股股暖流。  杨松(化名),一个朴实的农民,在被法院判处缓刑不久,请人制作一封“法不容情人有情,特情特办显真情”的大红感谢信,亲自送到指控他犯罪的检察院,以示他的感激之情:他的一双儿女面对检察官,称“检察官救了我们全家”。对这样的一个有罪的人,兴隆台区人民检察院侦查监督科的检察官们在不到一年的时间里,像走亲
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每个月都有一万人在谷歌上搜索“我长得丑吗?”是什么原因导致他们这么做呢?  嗯,如今的青少年很少独处,随之而来的社会压力也是残酷的。“零号身材”的模特仍然统治着T型台。修图也是常规步骤。“励瘦”“大腿间距”和“安娜运动”也是当下的潮流。从中不难看出女孩们用什么标准衡量自己。然而男孩们对此也不能幸免,他们渴望拥有轮廓分明的下颌线和六块腹肌,这些都是超级英雄般的体育明星或《花花公子》杂志上的音乐艺术家
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