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目的:了解门头沟区大台社区老年人综合健康状况,探讨老年健康保健工作的内容及模式。方法:采取入户问卷调查的方法,对五个居委会204例60岁以上老年人进行问卷调查,并进行综合评分。结果:在老年人中认知功能正常占48.5%,认知功能障碍占51.5%;无抑郁占84.3%,有抑郁占15.7%;随着年龄的增大,老年人抑郁程度越大,认知功能障碍也增加。年龄越大,所患疾病病越多,参加社会活动越少,体育锻炼越少,老年人健康状况越差。结论:建立健全老年人健康评估体系很有必要。从社区家庭医生式服务入手,鼓励社区医生主动走进社区和家庭,开展“六位一体”的综合服务;针对老年人进行健康促进与慢性病干预,增加服务项目。建议政府建立多个老年人日托所,按照老年人生活自理的能力提供服务。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the general health of the elderly in Datai community in Mentougou District and to explore the contents and patterns of elderly health care. Methods: Taking the method of household questionnaire survey, 204 elderly people over 60 years old in five neighborhood committees were surveyed and scored. Results: The cognitive function in the elderly accounted for 48.5% of normal cognitive impairment accounted for 51.5%; no depression accounted for 84.3%, with depression accounted for 15.7%; with age, the older the greater degree of depression, cognitive Dysfunction also increases. The older, the more disease disease, the less social participation, physical exercise less, the worse the health of the elderly. Conclusion: It is necessary to establish and improve the health assessment system for the elderly. Start with community-based family physician services and encourage community doctors to take the initiative to walk into the community and families to carry out integrated services of “six in one” and to provide health care and chronic diseases intervention for the elderly and increase service items. It is recommended that the government establish a number of day care centers for the elderly to provide services in accordance with the ability of the elderly to take care of themselves.
体液免疫缺陷病(MID)中的X 伴性无丙种球蛋白血症(X-LA)国内报道甚少,现将我院最近收治的X-LA 合并慢活肝(CAH)病例报告如下。患者男性,21岁。因发热、咳嗽、腹胀和纳减4月
流行性肾炎已有报道。1980年1月~1986年12月我科共收治急性肾炎(AGN)306例,其中11个家庭同时或于短期内先后有2~3个同胞兄弟姐妹都患AGN,占7.6%。因其 Epidemic nephritis ha
一次偶然的机会,我发现同事小李的行为有些怪异——炎炎夏日,太阳如火,公司里的有车族们,都喜欢占领距离办公楼最近的车位,恨不得把车直接开到有空调的房间里。小李却不一样,不管天气多么炎热,他总是把车停在距离公司大门外20米的地方,然后戴上太阳帽,不紧不慢地走向办公楼。  有一天,大雨倾盆,小李的车远远驶过来,我想,这次,他应该进院子来了吧。可是,他依然到大门外20米的那个老地方停车,然后撑一把伞出来,
柏—查二氏综合征(Budd-Chiari Syn-drome)又称肝静脉阻塞综合征,小儿极为少见,现报告一例。杨××,男,10岁,住院号298676,以间断反复鼻衄1年,发热、右上腹部胀痛20天于1986
目的研究刺五加(Acanthopanax senticosus Harms)的化学成分及其抑制蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B(PTP1B)活性。方法利用生物活性导向分离方法分离得到具有蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶1B抑制活性